Appreciation for Sunday School

Thank God for His Kindness that was with us last year! 

In December I could serve God through our church and different services.


Every Sunday there were different lessons for children at Sunday School on  various topics. Thank God there were around 40 kids and enough teachers for doing this work. My wife is a coordinator of these meetings. All praise and thanks are given to the Lord.

Winter holidays gave us big opportunities to serve other people. Our church was involved in evangelism in our town. So many people could hear about Christ and His fascinating Birth in this world. Also these days we and our youth from other churches sang carols in the center of Noua Sulita, visiting state institutions. We shared hundreds of christian books and calendars. People received them with open hearts. We pray for them, so they can call on God in their lives and for Jesus Christ to save them from their sins and future judgment.

Thank you for being with us in our work that we are doing for the glory of God.  Thanks for your prayers and financial support! God bless you in 2019!  May God give you a reward for everything that you are doing!

With great Respect and Love,

Family Popov

Youth and Soccer

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Greetings to everybody who loves Jesus!

This month we had the grace to continue the ministry of the church and our neighbors. 

On November 17, we organized a youth conference for the youths in the Novoselitsa district. 

The topic of the conference was "Music in Worship". Our young people were involved in organizing and leading this meeting. The purpose of the meeting was for young people to understand the importance of music in worshiping the Lord.

Another event in November was the participation of the youths and teens at a soccer competition organized by Christians. The purpose of the soccer competition was the ministry among the unsaved youths and getting to know them better. In our team we had five unsaved young boys with whom we became friends and keep in touch. There they heard a Christian message and the boys were impressed by the warm reception offered by Christians. We pray for them and ask that you please pray for them too.

We were glad to witness the baptism of two young men in our church who made a covenant with God through the water of Baptism. Their names are Maxim and Nikolai. They accepted the Lord at the PIEI youth camp last summer. They received baptism at the Baptist church in Chernauts, where brother Grigory Postusak is pastor. Please pray for these youths to grow in their faith. The children and teens get together at church every Saturday. The children of the refugees from the war zone in Ukraine come to these meetings. We also have children from poorer families. They are glad to be in a warm atmosphere and warm rooms among Christians. Please pray for this ministry as the seed sown in the children’s hearts can bring fruits of repentance and acceptance of the Lord Jesus. 

Thank you for your support. Be blessed. 

Best regards, Valery Popov

Blessings and Thanks


With God’s grace we were able to serve Him and tell different people about Jesus. 

 Our church celebrated Thanksgiving Day when we thanked the Lord for all spiritual and material blessings that He blessed us with this year. The children had a beautiful praise and worship program. The food and fruits were given to the families with many children, most of them adopted from orphanages. 

Along with other churches from our district we went to the town square and held an outreach and a Thanksgiving service. A lot of unsaved people stopped to watch us and some of them accepted the Lord in their hearts. We praise God for this. 

The Next Generation


Another important ministry we did in October was among teens and children. We held seven meetings with them in which they memorized Bible verses, prayed, had contests and listened to Bible lessons. Around 40 teens and children came regularly to those meetings. Please pray for them to find Jesus and accept Him as their Savior.

Thank you for your open heart you have for us, for your prayer and financial support.  Be blessed!

Best wishes, Popov Valery

Children's Ministry

We praise the Lord for His Grace that is upon us every day! With His help we can do the Lord’s ministry in the local church and beyond. 


Among other ministries, the main ministry is the Children’s meetings that we do every Saturday in which we do Bible studies, contests and sports. The teens as well attend their classes of Sunday school. Please, pray for the kids to open their hearts and allow Jesus in their lives. 

Spreading the Word

We practice personal and massive evangelism, share Christian brochures and other works to bring people to Christ. On October 14 we are going to have a massive evangelism in the center of our town. We pray that more people to come to the evangelism. 

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Thank you for the spiritual and financial support. We pray for all of you who have an open heart for us. Be blessed!

Best regards, Popov Valery

Teen Testimonies


Ten teens from our town had the opportunity to spend a week in the PIEI camp sponsored by our brothers and sisters from the USA. We are grateful to all the people who contributed financially, physically and spiritually to the organization of this camp so that our youth could grow spiritually in the knowledge of God. 

A fourteen year old teen, Milana, confessed that after the apologetics’ course she started to believe in God’s existence. She accepted the Lord in her heart on the last night at camp and now she is attending our church regularly. 

Another thirteen years old teen Pavel, who comes from a Christian family started to read the Bible regularly. This was confessed by his parents who told us that before camp he was never interested in Bible reading or Christianity. Please pray for all the teens that drew near God after the camp. 

Another major event for our church in August was to host the regional Women’s conference lead by sister Gabi Stef, Patricia Grupp and Jackie Wundley. All the sisters in Christ from our district spent a wonderful time in Bible study and experienced precious fellowship with our guests. 

The Church in Crimea


Our family was invited to Crimea for 12 days by a local church in Saki, a town in Crimea. There I wax blessed to hold a wedding ceremony of a young couple, Ivan and Nadia. We ministered in that local church in different ways, and as a result a woman accepted the Lord in her heart. All the church was encouraged because it had been a long time since anybody repented in their church. We praise the Lord for using us in different parts of our country and in different ways. Please pray for people in Crimea to find Jesus. 

Popov Valery

Fundamental Questions

With God’s help our church could host 78 children during a week of VBS held in July. The children heard about the people’s encounters with Christ described in the Scripture. They received the answer to the fundamental question of life: How can I be saved? What is necessary in following Christ? Besides the Bible study the children enjoyed different sports, games, crafts, English lessons and delicious food. On the last day of VBS 30 parents attended the children’s concert. I met parents I have never met before at the concert. Below I give you some testimonies from the VBS.

A boy told us that he learned how to use the Bible, another confessed that he understood how to follow Jesus. The parents confessed to us that their children started to behave well. 

We praise the Lord as His Word and the Holy Spirit are working miraculously. Please, pray for the children and their parents to find Jesus and follow Him. 

Sisters in Fellowship

After VBS we were honored to host the regional women’s conference in our church held by our sisters in Christ from the USA, sister Gabi Stef, Sister Jackie Wunderly and sister Patricia Grupp. All the sisters at the conference had a great fellowship and received valuable Bible teaching. On the same day all the PIE missionaries in Ukraine met the PIEI president Cornel Stef and shared their experiences and received advice on how to do ministry better and to the Glory of God. 

On July 30 the PIEI camp started. Nineteen young people from Novoselitsa attended the camp, and seven of them accepted the Lord in their hearts. Melania (age 15) was an atheist before, but after she attended Dr. Jackie’s lessons about Apologetics she has changed her thoughts about evolution. On the last night she accepted the Lord. When I asked her - Do you believe in God that He is the Creator of the universe and of all things, that it is your Creator and mine? Then she answered firmly to me: "Yes, I believe and accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior in my life.

We pray for these people whose parents are not believers, that the Lord can work in their lives and lead them through His Holy Spirit. Let He be glorified!  All the parents and teens of our church thank you for your financial support and for the opportunity to be in this camp. It is worth indeed!

Popov Valery


By God's mercy we are in His work.

We were involved in a mega evangelism last month which took place on the stadium in our town. I personally was a spiritual counselor for the people who decided to follow Jesus. Our church is preparing for the VBS for children, which is starting on July 16th. We plan to have more children this year.  Please, pray for the children who will hear the Gospel that the Holy Spirit will work repentance in their hearts. We also are preparing for another mega evangelism that we are going to hold in the central town square on the topic "Christian Values in Everyday Life". 

Thank You

Thank you for getting involved in the ministry with the youth of our country. We pray for the American and Romanian teams to be blessed by everything are doing.  To the Lord be the glory and honor!

Thank you for the spiritual and financial support. Thank you for the great heart you have for Ukraine. 

Best wishes, Popov Valery

Relying on God

Relying on God

With my family we had the opportunity to attend the march supporting traditional families in Kiev. We proclaimed our peaceful protest against LGBT who want their rights to be legalized in our country…

The Mission of the Church

The Mission of the Church

The mission of the Church is to confess. The members of our church are called and taught to submit to the testimony of the Lord Jesus through personal evangelization and the spread of Christian tracts. We also encourage community service…