Fundamental Questions

With God’s help our church could host 78 children during a week of VBS held in July. The children heard about the people’s encounters with Christ described in the Scripture. They received the answer to the fundamental question of life: How can I be saved? What is necessary in following Christ? Besides the Bible study the children enjoyed different sports, games, crafts, English lessons and delicious food. On the last day of VBS 30 parents attended the children’s concert. I met parents I have never met before at the concert. Below I give you some testimonies from the VBS.

A boy told us that he learned how to use the Bible, another confessed that he understood how to follow Jesus. The parents confessed to us that their children started to behave well. 

We praise the Lord as His Word and the Holy Spirit are working miraculously. Please, pray for the children and their parents to find Jesus and follow Him. 

Sisters in Fellowship

After VBS we were honored to host the regional women’s conference in our church held by our sisters in Christ from the USA, sister Gabi Stef, Sister Jackie Wunderly and sister Patricia Grupp. All the sisters at the conference had a great fellowship and received valuable Bible teaching. On the same day all the PIE missionaries in Ukraine met the PIEI president Cornel Stef and shared their experiences and received advice on how to do ministry better and to the Glory of God. 

On July 30 the PIEI camp started. Nineteen young people from Novoselitsa attended the camp, and seven of them accepted the Lord in their hearts. Melania (age 15) was an atheist before, but after she attended Dr. Jackie’s lessons about Apologetics she has changed her thoughts about evolution. On the last night she accepted the Lord. When I asked her - Do you believe in God that He is the Creator of the universe and of all things, that it is your Creator and mine? Then she answered firmly to me: "Yes, I believe and accepted the Lord Jesus as Lord and Savior in my life.

We pray for these people whose parents are not believers, that the Lord can work in their lives and lead them through His Holy Spirit. Let He be glorified!  All the parents and teens of our church thank you for your financial support and for the opportunity to be in this camp. It is worth indeed!

Popov Valery