Appreciation for Sunday School

Thank God for His Kindness that was with us last year! 

In December I could serve God through our church and different services.


Every Sunday there were different lessons for children at Sunday School on  various topics. Thank God there were around 40 kids and enough teachers for doing this work. My wife is a coordinator of these meetings. All praise and thanks are given to the Lord.

Winter holidays gave us big opportunities to serve other people. Our church was involved in evangelism in our town. So many people could hear about Christ and His fascinating Birth in this world. Also these days we and our youth from other churches sang carols in the center of Noua Sulita, visiting state institutions. We shared hundreds of christian books and calendars. People received them with open hearts. We pray for them, so they can call on God in their lives and for Jesus Christ to save them from their sins and future judgment.

Thank you for being with us in our work that we are doing for the glory of God.  Thanks for your prayers and financial support! God bless you in 2019!  May God give you a reward for everything that you are doing!

With great Respect and Love,

Family Popov