Youth and Soccer

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Greetings to everybody who loves Jesus!

This month we had the grace to continue the ministry of the church and our neighbors. 

On November 17, we organized a youth conference for the youths in the Novoselitsa district. 

The topic of the conference was "Music in Worship". Our young people were involved in organizing and leading this meeting. The purpose of the meeting was for young people to understand the importance of music in worshiping the Lord.

Another event in November was the participation of the youths and teens at a soccer competition organized by Christians. The purpose of the soccer competition was the ministry among the unsaved youths and getting to know them better. In our team we had five unsaved young boys with whom we became friends and keep in touch. There they heard a Christian message and the boys were impressed by the warm reception offered by Christians. We pray for them and ask that you please pray for them too.

We were glad to witness the baptism of two young men in our church who made a covenant with God through the water of Baptism. Their names are Maxim and Nikolai. They accepted the Lord at the PIEI youth camp last summer. They received baptism at the Baptist church in Chernauts, where brother Grigory Postusak is pastor. Please pray for these youths to grow in their faith. The children and teens get together at church every Saturday. The children of the refugees from the war zone in Ukraine come to these meetings. We also have children from poorer families. They are glad to be in a warm atmosphere and warm rooms among Christians. Please pray for this ministry as the seed sown in the children’s hearts can bring fruits of repentance and acceptance of the Lord Jesus. 

Thank you for your support. Be blessed. 

Best regards, Valery Popov