Opportunities during the Holidays

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By God’s grace we started this year by being involved in different ministries. 

Winter holidays have given us more opportunities to serve the Lord through special meetings with children dedicated to the Nativity of Jesus as well as various forms of massive evangelism in the center of the city, where hundreds of people had the possibility to hear the Good News about Jesus’ Birth. We also went caroling at people’s houses and shared Christian brochures. We didn’t forget about the leaders of our town and caroled for them too. We evangelized to people in the streets and the town square and were involved in different ministries with teens and children. We organized a meeting with the teens to which 16 teens came and studied the book of Jonah. 

Reaching the Unsaved

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We are highly involved in the delivery of the parcels with Christian brochures and calendars to the unsaved people of our town.

We thank God for you, we pray that His grace will be given to you abundantly in your life, your families, and the churches you serve.

Be blessed for everything you do for the church of Christ in Ukraine.

Sincerely, Valery Popov.