Evangelization through the sport

viber image 2019-03-16 , 12.56.03.jpg

Thanks to the Lord for such a great opportunity to serve people and make them followers of Jesus Christ.

And I am really appreciated to all who support us and make this ministry a reality.

We had the ministry for the teenagers. That is the evangelization through the activity and sport. We gathered the football team and took part in the championship of our Novoselitsa region. The great blessing for us is the next that our team consists of 5 unbelievers guys and only 1 guy is from believing family. Me as their head man and this one guy, we showed them how good is to know God, how it is possible to live without bad habits and bad words. We noticed that our instance has a good influence on their lives. We show that we are not boring religion and we can spend time with fun.

On this competition we came with a great support group on football. There were many girls and boys from our church and our city that encourage our team to win the game.

We plan to continue to work with these guys to have some meetings and talk about life and their needs, to help them see God and His love for them. So, please, pray for these meetings and these guys. We want them to know Jesus Christ with their hearts and let He fill them.


Missionary Valeriy and Alla Popovy.