Relying on God

By God's grace we could serve the Lord in the local church and we are conscious that without Him we can do nothing. That's why we trust Him. 
We were extremely glad to feel God's blessings through brother Terry Mortenson who presented us a wonderful study about Creation. 
Thank you for caring that this study would be presented to us and other people from Ukraine. 
With our youth we visited the church in Tarasauts where we had great fellowship with brothers and sisters of that church. 

Defending the Church

With my family we had the opportunity to attend the march supporting traditional families in Kiev. We proclaimed our peaceful protest against LGBT who want their rights to be legalized in our country. 
We are working on the schedule of the VBS that we are going to have this summer. We prepare materials for around 100 children. We also are preparing to host a youth conference that will be this month. 
Our family is well. Please pray for our plans to be fulfilled to the glory of God. Thank you for spiritual and financial support. 
Be blessed by the Lord! 

Best wishes, Popov Valery