Children's Ministry

We praise the Lord for His Grace that is upon us every day! With His help we can do the Lord’s ministry in the local church and beyond. 


Among other ministries, the main ministry is the Children’s meetings that we do every Saturday in which we do Bible studies, contests and sports. The teens as well attend their classes of Sunday school. Please, pray for the kids to open their hearts and allow Jesus in their lives. 

Spreading the Word

We practice personal and massive evangelism, share Christian brochures and other works to bring people to Christ. On October 14 we are going to have a massive evangelism in the center of our town. We pray that more people to come to the evangelism. 

La sarbatoarea secerisului.jpg

Thank you for the spiritual and financial support. We pray for all of you who have an open heart for us. Be blessed!

Best regards, Popov Valery