The youth Christian camp


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters.

At the end of the month of July and the beginning of the month of August, the Lord helped me to serve before God and at the same time I felt your prayers that were offered before the Lord for me.

1.Blessing of our granddaughter Olivia:

July 28th was a great holiday in our family and in our church. We had the blessing of our 8 granddaughter Olivia, the 3rd child of our son David and his wife Inga. For a blessing, we invited brother Pavel Petihachny and he blessed Olivia. We also had a good program for our children from a summer school who congratulated this young family on their newborn. May the Lord bless David and Inga, as well as their family.

2. The youth Christian camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

The Christian Youth Camp (Non Stop) in Boyan began on July 29. There was a very blessed camp where children and adolescents had the opportunity to study the Word of God, relax and glorify Christ through singing, testimonies, various quizzes, sports and swimming in the pool. From our village (Dinivtsi) one girl repented (her name is Katerina). Her parents are unbelievers and resist her repentance, do not let her go to worship. We pray for her that God will solve this problem in her young life. We pray that the Lord will strengthen her faith so that she does not look back, but only to look at Jesus Christ. Thank God that He helped me to preach in this camp on Wednesday, July 31 , on the evening of worship. The theme of the day in the camp was: "The power of the tongue" from St. James. I also preached on this subject. Thank God.



-I wholeheartedly thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that you pray for us, missionaries from Ukraine. You help us to do God's work here, thank you for your prayers for us. Thank you for praying for our camp. Glory to God, so many youth have repented to God (about 40 people).

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray and you, with us, for Katerina the girl that repented at the Christian camp in Boyan. For her parents so that they don’t resist when she wants to go in the congregation to listen to the Word of God.

-Our church has already begun on August 5, earlier this week, to conduct a day-long Christian children's camp. Pray for our leaders, teachers and children. That the Lord will save everyone and that the Word of God will bring much fruit of repentance among these children.

May the Lord bless all of you abundantly. We love you and pray for you. With love, Pascar Alex pastor missionary in the PIEI Ukraine mission.

Evangelization for neighboring villages


Peace of God, my dear brothers and sisters from the USA! And this month, the Lord helped me to work in the field of God in my village, in Dinivtsi, and in other neighboring churches to do evangelism.

1. Evangelism:

- We have, together with our youth, 2 evangelizations: one in the village of Malinovka and the other in the village of Berestya. Both villages are our neighbors. I preached the Word of God, and the youth had a good program of praise. We are pleased that there were non-believing people in these evangelisms. We pray for them so that the Lord will touch their hearts.

2. Bread refraction in the house of patients.

- This month I attended 4 patients from the church with bread to their home. There were theirs relatives who listened to the Word of God and saw how bread-refraction was made here. There were some young people who praised God through melodies and poems. At the end of the meeting I talked with these people and answered their questions. I pray for these people.

3. Thankfulness.

- I thank God always for you, brothers and sisters, for your prayers and for material help. The Lord, through you, helps me to work here in His Field, glory to Him for everything.

May God richly bless you and your families.

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray for the youth camp of our Mission PIEI Ukraine, which will begin on Monday, June 29, in Boyany. There will be many young people from unbelieving families. Pray for the youth to drink.

- Pray for our Christian, children's, day camp which will begin on August 5 in one week. Our leader will spend this camp in the countryside, and at the end of the day they will gather at the house of prayer in Dinivtsi, where our sisters from the church will feed these children, delicious lunch and dessert. Pray for more kids to come in this camp from unbelieving families.

With respect to you Pascary Alex pastor missionary of the mission PIEI Ukraine.

Charity for a very old man


I greet you brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus Christ, and I praise God for helping me in His field this month.

1. Evangelism:

“This month, I, together with the youth from our church, visited the church from the village of Rokytne, where Brother Kyoresco Gregory serves as pastor. We preached the Word of God there, and the youth had a good program to glorify God. Brothers and sisters from this church thanked us for encouragement and visits.

Also, we organized 4 cars for a trip to evangelism in Chernivtsi, on June 23, in the Philharmonic Hall. Brothers from Chicago arrived with a brass band and preached by brother Valentin Popovich — pastor of the church. The theme was: “Stop and think people! There was youth from unbelieving families with us. We pray for them.

2. Charity:

“Together with the youth from our church, we visited one sick brother (99 years old) and helped him to clean up the house and his garden. Then this brother fell ill and my wife and I visited him and prayed with him. He praised God that He has brothers and sisters in Christ who do not forget about him. And we said to him: So it should be because we are in Christ one family.

3. Family:

We have a family in addition. Our son David and his wife Inga had another child, a daughter named Olivia. This is our 8 granddaughter. Thank God that she was born healthy and we pray that the Lord will bless her in the future with health and wisdom Above .

4. Thanksgiving:

I am very grateful to God and you for helping me work here and with your prayers for me and materially. Let the Lord bless you and your families. Give a big Christian greeting to the Dornbos Bill and Cherine family from my family.

5. Prayer needs:

In 2 weeks we are preparing to spend a daytime Christian children's camp in our church. Pray for us and our camp. For many children from unbelieving families to come to this camp. Let God save this camp from all evil and bless all of us.

Pray for the Lord to bless my family and our village Dinivtsi. So that the Word that we sow will bear fruit and that the Holy Spirit awaken these people to repentance.

With love, your brother in Christ is a pastor missionary, PIEI Ukraine missions, Alex Pascari.

Visiting patients with Alive Bread

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Peace of God, brothers and sisters from the USA, I thank the Lord and you for helping us this month in serving Christ. I also thank you for your prayers, about my ministry in which I serve here. May the Lord reward you 100 times for the money you donate to our ministry.

1. Visiting patients:

This month we visited four sick members of our church with bread breaking, where we spent at their home, mini evangelism, and their unbelieving relatives who live with them. I take advantage of every occasion that the word of God be preached to all who have not yet accepted Jesus as their savior. Let us pray for this ministry.

2. Evangelization in Molinovka:

Last Sunday, we visited a church in Malinovka with a group of young people, we are happy for this small church, because one family is not a believer, we started to visit this church regularly, we pray for this family so that the Lord will be revealed to them as Savior.

We also pray for a girl of thirteen years old, who is from an unbelieving family, she comes to our meeting and to youth communication. We gave her an invitation to the Christian Camp in Boyans, she was very happy to receive this invitation.

3. Prayer needs:

- Pray for our PIE camp, so that many teenagers will come to know Christ through the team and the ministers who will participate in it.

-Pray about our day camp, which will be held in July.

-Pray about the people whom were preached the word of God, so that it touched them, and they came to the Lord.

-Pray for the parishioners of our church, for their repentance.

Warm greetings to you from our entire family, love you and pray for you.

With love Missionary PIE Ukraine Alex Pascari.

Social assistance for the needy


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters!

Gratitude and praise to our Lord for the fact that He always helps me to serve Him by preaching the gospel through His Word, to help those in need and to pray for them.

1. Social assistance for the needy.

I helped one woman living in Transcarpathia who turned to us for help. The fact is that her daughter is addicted to drugs and robbed her. She ran away from her home and was looking for work in our area. Our church helped her with a donation for the first time and they found her a job with our farmers so that she could feed herself. She asked for prayer for her daughter so that God would free her from this dependence. They also helped a man who was released from prison and could not find a job. We found him a job in one businessman and gave him clothes and shoes. I always tell such people about the love of Christ. We pray for these people that they were looking for Jesus Christ who loves all people, wants to give them salvation and eternal life with Him.

2. Evangelization:

On Evangelism with brother Nikki Cruz, which took place on May 26 in Chernivtsi, at the Bukovyna stadium there were 20 people from our village. We pray for them so that the Lord touches their hearts. Blessedly evangelized, thank God!

3. Thanksgiving:

I am very grateful to God and to you for your support in my ministry. I pray for you that God bless you and your families.

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray for our children's day camp (in our village Dinovtsy) to be held at the end of June. So that God blessed our leaders and that we can gather many children from unbelieving families. We believe that the Lord will help us.

-Pray for me that the Lord will give me health and wisdom to preach the gospel to all people about Christ, and those who will hear the Word of God receive this Word.

Accept sincere greetings from my family. May the Grace and Love of God always be with you and with us, Amen!

With love, the pastor, the missionary of the church, Dinivtsi-Pascary Alex

Evangelism in Rehab Center

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I am very grateful to God for giving me health and strength to work on the field of the Lord this month. I am also grateful to all those who help me both materially and with your prayers in my service to the Lord.

1. Evangelism

In connection with the Easter holidays, we organized 2 evangelisms. We conducted the first evangelism in the village of Malinovka, where our young people and our choir participated. We invited people from the Rebcenter from Malinovka where we did evangelism. We prepared a table of love for everyone and had a good brotherly fellowship. We pray that God will bless the hearts of all people who listened to the Word of God in these beautiful days.

2. Visits to the patients, mini evangelism

“And this month I visited two sick sisters with bread breaking. My family and a couple of people from the youth of our church help me always in this work. We encourage our patients, we preach for their children, for home neighbors. We answer their questions based on the word of God, we invite them to our church. We pray for these people so that the Lord will touch their hearts through His Word.

3. Thanksgiving

Thank you for the privilege together with our missionaries of the PIE of Ukraine to go, at the beginning of the month, to the conference in Romania, Alba Iulia, where we met with our brothers and sisters, missionaries of the mission PIE of Romania and had fraternal contact and were able to share experience in the field of the Lord. Thank you to our brothers from Romania and brothers from the USA who helped organize such a wonderful conference. May the Lord bless you, brothers and sisters, who help us spread the Gospel in our area.

4. Prayer needs:

- Please pray for my health. After my past illness (acute pneumonia) I often catch a cold. For the Lord to restore my health to proclaim His Word among people of unbelievers from our village and around.

- About those to whom I preached, so that the Lord would touch their hearts.

- About our son-in-law Abraham (husband of my daughter Alina). He has a spinal hernia and has to go through an operation.

-We begin to invite teenagers and young people from non-believers in the youth camp in Boyan, which will be held in late July and early August, this summer. That the Lord would send us people who really need to save their souls. Pray for this camp.

Receive sincere greetings from our family. We love you and we pray for you.

With love to you, brother Alex Pascary-pastor missionary in the mission PIEI Ukraine.

Alone men need Christ

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First of all, I want to greet you with the words: Christ is Risen, Christ is trully Risen.

This time I am grateful to God that He helped us visit a nursing home for men, there are 180 lonely, sick men there, this nursing home is located in the village of Chereshy, Storozhinetsky district, 30 km from the city of Chernivtsi.

We gave them products: delicious pastries and clothes. They were very happy, and thanked God and us.

The next time we want them to bring what they need, what they asked of us. We also want to come with our young people, do evangelization, on the Easter theme.

I thank you for your prayer and material support. Keep on praying for us, we need your prayers, may the Lord bless you.

With love brother Alex Pascari, Missionary of the Mission Pay Ukraine.

Helping in a nursing home

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Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

With God's help, I, along with my family, were last week in a nursing home in the village of Petrachanka (25 km from Chernivtsi). There live 187 women sick and lonely. We brought them food, sweets, fruit and clothes. They were very happy and praised God that we do not forget about them. I read the Word of God to them and prayed to God with them. They also need to bring them not only food, but also washable and hygienic products, which these women need.

We also plan to visit them next month, and we are thinking of taking our young people in order to praise God with chants and poems. Soon we have an Easter holiday and we have a good program for them.

We also plan to go to the shelter for men (sick and lonely), which is located in the village of Cheresh, Storozhynets district. 180 patients live there.

Thank you for your help and your prayers that help me in the ministry.

Pray further for us and for Ukraine.

May the Lord bless you and reward you a hundredfold.

With love, your brother in the Lord, Pascary Alex - Pastor Missionary to Dinovtsy.

Great blessings in our church

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Our God is good and the good is our God.

I am so happy to serve for such Great and Amazing God because He blesses us so much every day.

I am really appreciated to everyone who helps us with funds for our ministry.

At the beginning of this month, in our church, there was the blessing of children of two families.

First family: Benjamin and Natasha, this is their fifth child. Benjamin serves in our church as a preacher, his wife Natasha, a musician and chorus girl.

The second family: Ion and Diana, this is their first child, Ion is the leader of our youth. On this evangelism service, there were relatives of these young families, thanks to this ministry, they heard the Word of God.

Thank God that there are many young families in our church. We pray for them and for their children, that the Lord will bless them.

Regards, Pascari Alexa

Visiting the Sick

Dear brothers and sisters, 

I greet you with the peace of the Lord!

I started my ministry by visiting three members of our church who are bound to bed and shared the Communion with them on the first Sunday of February. I also peached them and prayed for them to recover. 

 I visited the rehab center in the neighboring village, Malinesht and talked to the patients there preaching the Bible and praying for them. There are 12 men at the moment in the center now. We pray for them to be free from drugs and alcohol. 

New Generations

I held two baby devotionals of two young families in our church. I am glad that our church is being enlarged with children as they are our future the new generation of the church. I pray for each child and young person of our church to be kept away from the devil and become a good servant of God. 

I also held an engagement at our church. Our youth leader, Natasha who is 41 got engaged to a brother in Christ from Romania. She has dedicated herself to the ministry with the youth and God has blessed her abundantly. Her example is a good motivation for the young sisters who are not married yet so as not to be discouraged but to trust in the Lord and God takes care of everybody.

Thank you for supporting me financially and through your prayer. We pray for you as well. May the Lord bless you and reward your sacrifice!

My family is greeting the Stef family and the Dornbos’s.

Love, your brother in Christ, Alexa Paskari