Evangelism in Rehab Center

viber image 2019-05-15 , 21.33.52.jpg

I am very grateful to God for giving me health and strength to work on the field of the Lord this month. I am also grateful to all those who help me both materially and with your prayers in my service to the Lord.

1. Evangelism

In connection with the Easter holidays, we organized 2 evangelisms. We conducted the first evangelism in the village of Malinovka, where our young people and our choir participated. We invited people from the Rebcenter from Malinovka where we did evangelism. We prepared a table of love for everyone and had a good brotherly fellowship. We pray that God will bless the hearts of all people who listened to the Word of God in these beautiful days.

2. Visits to the patients, mini evangelism

“And this month I visited two sick sisters with bread breaking. My family and a couple of people from the youth of our church help me always in this work. We encourage our patients, we preach for their children, for home neighbors. We answer their questions based on the word of God, we invite them to our church. We pray for these people so that the Lord will touch their hearts through His Word.

3. Thanksgiving

Thank you for the privilege together with our missionaries of the PIE of Ukraine to go, at the beginning of the month, to the conference in Romania, Alba Iulia, where we met with our brothers and sisters, missionaries of the mission PIE of Romania and had fraternal contact and were able to share experience in the field of the Lord. Thank you to our brothers from Romania and brothers from the USA who helped organize such a wonderful conference. May the Lord bless you, brothers and sisters, who help us spread the Gospel in our area.

4. Prayer needs:

- Please pray for my health. After my past illness (acute pneumonia) I often catch a cold. For the Lord to restore my health to proclaim His Word among people of unbelievers from our village and around.

- About those to whom I preached, so that the Lord would touch their hearts.

- About our son-in-law Abraham (husband of my daughter Alina). He has a spinal hernia and has to go through an operation.

-We begin to invite teenagers and young people from non-believers in the youth camp in Boyan, which will be held in late July and early August, this summer. That the Lord would send us people who really need to save their souls. Pray for this camp.

Receive sincere greetings from our family. We love you and we pray for you.

With love to you, brother Alex Pascary-pastor missionary in the mission PIEI Ukraine.