Social assistance for the needy


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters!

Gratitude and praise to our Lord for the fact that He always helps me to serve Him by preaching the gospel through His Word, to help those in need and to pray for them.

1. Social assistance for the needy.

I helped one woman living in Transcarpathia who turned to us for help. The fact is that her daughter is addicted to drugs and robbed her. She ran away from her home and was looking for work in our area. Our church helped her with a donation for the first time and they found her a job with our farmers so that she could feed herself. She asked for prayer for her daughter so that God would free her from this dependence. They also helped a man who was released from prison and could not find a job. We found him a job in one businessman and gave him clothes and shoes. I always tell such people about the love of Christ. We pray for these people that they were looking for Jesus Christ who loves all people, wants to give them salvation and eternal life with Him.

2. Evangelization:

On Evangelism with brother Nikki Cruz, which took place on May 26 in Chernivtsi, at the Bukovyna stadium there were 20 people from our village. We pray for them so that the Lord touches their hearts. Blessedly evangelized, thank God!

3. Thanksgiving:

I am very grateful to God and to you for your support in my ministry. I pray for you that God bless you and your families.

4. Prayer needs:

- Pray for our children's day camp (in our village Dinovtsy) to be held at the end of June. So that God blessed our leaders and that we can gather many children from unbelieving families. We believe that the Lord will help us.

-Pray for me that the Lord will give me health and wisdom to preach the gospel to all people about Christ, and those who will hear the Word of God receive this Word.

Accept sincere greetings from my family. May the Grace and Love of God always be with you and with us, Amen!

With love, the pastor, the missionary of the church, Dinivtsi-Pascary Alex