Visiting patients with Alive Bread

viber image 2019-05-15 , 21.33.16.jpg

Peace of God, brothers and sisters from the USA, I thank the Lord and you for helping us this month in serving Christ. I also thank you for your prayers, about my ministry in which I serve here. May the Lord reward you 100 times for the money you donate to our ministry.

1. Visiting patients:

This month we visited four sick members of our church with bread breaking, where we spent at their home, mini evangelism, and their unbelieving relatives who live with them. I take advantage of every occasion that the word of God be preached to all who have not yet accepted Jesus as their savior. Let us pray for this ministry.

2. Evangelization in Molinovka:

Last Sunday, we visited a church in Malinovka with a group of young people, we are happy for this small church, because one family is not a believer, we started to visit this church regularly, we pray for this family so that the Lord will be revealed to them as Savior.

We also pray for a girl of thirteen years old, who is from an unbelieving family, she comes to our meeting and to youth communication. We gave her an invitation to the Christian Camp in Boyans, she was very happy to receive this invitation.

3. Prayer needs:

- Pray for our PIE camp, so that many teenagers will come to know Christ through the team and the ministers who will participate in it.

-Pray about our day camp, which will be held in July.

-Pray about the people whom were preached the word of God, so that it touched them, and they came to the Lord.

-Pray for the parishioners of our church, for their repentance.

Warm greetings to you from our entire family, love you and pray for you.

With love Missionary PIE Ukraine Alex Pascari.