Charity for a very old man


I greet you brothers and sisters with the love of Jesus Christ, and I praise God for helping me in His field this month.

1. Evangelism:

“This month, I, together with the youth from our church, visited the church from the village of Rokytne, where Brother Kyoresco Gregory serves as pastor. We preached the Word of God there, and the youth had a good program to glorify God. Brothers and sisters from this church thanked us for encouragement and visits.

Also, we organized 4 cars for a trip to evangelism in Chernivtsi, on June 23, in the Philharmonic Hall. Brothers from Chicago arrived with a brass band and preached by brother Valentin Popovich — pastor of the church. The theme was: “Stop and think people! There was youth from unbelieving families with us. We pray for them.

2. Charity:

“Together with the youth from our church, we visited one sick brother (99 years old) and helped him to clean up the house and his garden. Then this brother fell ill and my wife and I visited him and prayed with him. He praised God that He has brothers and sisters in Christ who do not forget about him. And we said to him: So it should be because we are in Christ one family.

3. Family:

We have a family in addition. Our son David and his wife Inga had another child, a daughter named Olivia. This is our 8 granddaughter. Thank God that she was born healthy and we pray that the Lord will bless her in the future with health and wisdom Above .

4. Thanksgiving:

I am very grateful to God and you for helping me work here and with your prayers for me and materially. Let the Lord bless you and your families. Give a big Christian greeting to the Dornbos Bill and Cherine family from my family.

5. Prayer needs:

In 2 weeks we are preparing to spend a daytime Christian children's camp in our church. Pray for us and our camp. For many children from unbelieving families to come to this camp. Let God save this camp from all evil and bless all of us.

Pray for the Lord to bless my family and our village Dinivtsi. So that the Word that we sow will bear fruit and that the Holy Spirit awaken these people to repentance.

With love, your brother in Christ is a pastor missionary, PIEI Ukraine missions, Alex Pascari.