The youth Christian camp


Peace of God dear brothers and sisters.

At the end of the month of July and the beginning of the month of August, the Lord helped me to serve before God and at the same time I felt your prayers that were offered before the Lord for me.

1.Blessing of our granddaughter Olivia:

July 28th was a great holiday in our family and in our church. We had the blessing of our 8 granddaughter Olivia, the 3rd child of our son David and his wife Inga. For a blessing, we invited brother Pavel Petihachny and he blessed Olivia. We also had a good program for our children from a summer school who congratulated this young family on their newborn. May the Lord bless David and Inga, as well as their family.

2. The youth Christian camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission:

The Christian Youth Camp (Non Stop) in Boyan began on July 29. There was a very blessed camp where children and adolescents had the opportunity to study the Word of God, relax and glorify Christ through singing, testimonies, various quizzes, sports and swimming in the pool. From our village (Dinivtsi) one girl repented (her name is Katerina). Her parents are unbelievers and resist her repentance, do not let her go to worship. We pray for her that God will solve this problem in her young life. We pray that the Lord will strengthen her faith so that she does not look back, but only to look at Jesus Christ. Thank God that He helped me to preach in this camp on Wednesday, July 31 , on the evening of worship. The theme of the day in the camp was: "The power of the tongue" from St. James. I also preached on this subject. Thank God.



-I wholeheartedly thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that you pray for us, missionaries from Ukraine. You help us to do God's work here, thank you for your prayers for us. Thank you for praying for our camp. Glory to God, so many youth have repented to God (about 40 people).

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray and you, with us, for Katerina the girl that repented at the Christian camp in Boyan. For her parents so that they don’t resist when she wants to go in the congregation to listen to the Word of God.

-Our church has already begun on August 5, earlier this week, to conduct a day-long Christian children's camp. Pray for our leaders, teachers and children. That the Lord will save everyone and that the Word of God will bring much fruit of repentance among these children.

May the Lord bless all of you abundantly. We love you and pray for you. With love, Pascar Alex pastor missionary in the PIEI Ukraine mission.