Helping in a nursing home

viber image 2019-04-10 , 16.26.50.jpg

Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

With God's help, I, along with my family, were last week in a nursing home in the village of Petrachanka (25 km from Chernivtsi). There live 187 women sick and lonely. We brought them food, sweets, fruit and clothes. They were very happy and praised God that we do not forget about them. I read the Word of God to them and prayed to God with them. They also need to bring them not only food, but also washable and hygienic products, which these women need.

We also plan to visit them next month, and we are thinking of taking our young people in order to praise God with chants and poems. Soon we have an Easter holiday and we have a good program for them.

We also plan to go to the shelter for men (sick and lonely), which is located in the village of Cheresh, Storozhynets district. 180 patients live there.

Thank you for your help and your prayers that help me in the ministry.

Pray further for us and for Ukraine.

May the Lord bless you and reward you a hundredfold.

With love, your brother in the Lord, Pascary Alex - Pastor Missionary to Dinovtsy.