Thankful for Another Year

We are getting close to the end of 2017. We want to show our gratitude toward God and you, our brothers and sisters from MBC who have supported us in good and hard times. May the Lord reward you!

A recent incident confirmed once again that all we are and have is only by the grace and mercy of our Lord. I went to a carols concert organized in one of the churches in Alba-Iulia. The preacher who was scheduled to speak that evening was a Romanian brother from Canada. Just before entering the church with the singing group, had a heart attack and died. He was under 50. Life is filled with joys and sorrows. Brother Nelu whom I shared about last month, just passed away. In the midst of grieving, the family was filled with peace and thankful to the Lord. Brother Nelu had been bedridden for 5 months already. Sister Mariana continues a strong antibiotic treatment. May the Lord have mercy on her! The joy we felt this month was in the opportunity to take the Gospel, the news of Jesus’ birth through carols. We went to Ocna Mures to the elderly home, to Mihalt, Bucerdea Granoasa and Craciunelul de Jos. In Craciunel, we went to an older couple’s home where the wife is a Christian. While crying, she expressed her gratitude for visiting since no one had visited them, caroling for Christmas.

Prayer Support:

-           For me and my family: guidance, and spiritual and physical health

-           For the ministry at the elderly home in Ocna Mures

-           For Sister Mariana, Brother Utu’s wife

-           For the workers to help us at the mission point in Mihalt

With love in Christ,

Daniel C. Petrut, PIE Missionary

Women's ministry / Sunday School

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

We thank the Lord for the prayers and support received from you. We want to share some of the ways things go and some of the projects we are involved in. The work of the women’s group from Ocna Mures expanded to the elderly. This group of women have a fund from which they help the people with financial hardship or health problems. Aside from “multiplying the bread” their goal is to share the Gospel with these people. One of the sisters from this group told me that God amazes them through the fact that these funds have never run out for this ministry. She also shared her disappointment that no one else from the church got involved when they were asked.

In terms of the Sunday School at Bucerdea Granoasa, we are approaching the end of the third year of study. In the spring of 2018, with God’s help, we will have the graduation ceremony. Until then, we still have several meetings, and we are glad for those who have been consistent in participation along the years.

Another area of the work I focused on was visiting the sick. The wife of Brother Utu, Mariana, returned home from Spain. Due to her physical weakness, she won’t be going back to Spain. She has been diagnosed with breast cancer, with the lungs being affected by the tumor as well. Another sick person, and close to passing away is Brother Nelu. He was a professional mason who has helped build six or seven churches. Now, after two strokes, at 81, has become bedridden. There are more brothers and sisters like these.

Prayer Support for:

-           The women’s group and their work at Ocna Mures

-           The sick in Mihalt

-           My family: spiritual and physical health

With love in Christ,

Daniel C Petrut

Thanksgiving Celebration

Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,


By the grace of God, the focus this month was on the local church. The Thanksgiving celebration is a good opportunity to evangelize. This year there were so many people in Mihalt that some had to go to the balcony. Some of the church members gave up their seats for the guests. We counted about 120 people. May the Word that was sowed in their heart produce fruit for the glory of our Lord!

We had the same celebration at Ocna Mures, Craciunelu de Jos and Bucerdea Granoasa. Most of the non-believers participated in the services in Mihalt. In Ocna Mures, we focused on the mission point in Gabud. Beside Sister Maria who is now 86, there is another family, Brother Sandu’s (who was baptized last in Ocna Mures). We pray that the Lord would bring salvation to the people in Gabud.  Here in Ocna Mures, our sisters’ group visits the senior home regularly.

Bible School in Bucerdea Granoasa goes well. We lost some of the students, but the core group is still strong. 10-15 of them attend class regularly every month.


Prayer Support:

-           For more souls to be part of the mission point in Mihalt

-           For the mission work in Gabud

-           For the senior homes in Ocna Mures

-           For the Bible School in Bucerdea Ganoasa

-           For my family: guidance and wisdom in ministry, and spiritual and physical health

September 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

As I wrote last time, we had the joy of baptizing Sister Paraschiva the last Sunday in September. She was very glad and also very nervous. She shared with us that this is what she wanted to do since her youth, but because of the opposition from her husband, baptism was delayed for years until now. We rejoiced together for her, and we pray that God would help her be faithful to Him until death.


Another project from September was the partnership with six young women who spent three weeks with us. They are part of the 45 youth group from the USA who participated in an international missionary project. For eleven months, they visit eleven countries. Their goal is to serve the Lord through a variety of activities for God’s glory. Romania was the second country they visited part of this project. Together with the girls we went to the senior home in Ocna Mures, had activities for children at church and also did home visits to the elderly and the sick in the village. During this time, I fought to have a day of activities for children at the school site. I eventually got to set this up on the last day the girls were with us. The school let us use one of the big classrooms, and the English teacher corralled students until the room was filled. It was a great opportunity with a strong impact on the students and on the teachers. Praise the Lord!

Prayer Requests:

-           For Sister Paraschiva’s spiritual growth

-           For Alin who went to France to work, and does not want to keep in contact with us

-           For the children who participated in acitivities this month

-           For the senior home in Ocna Mures

-           For my family, for spiritual and physical health

In His Service,

Daniel C. Petrut


August 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

We take joy in the rest the Lord provides in the midst of the events surrounding us. We hope that the same joy would motivate you as well. After the joy I shared with you about the baptism in July, we are glad to see how God worked, step by step, in the heart of our friend Paraschiva. I shared with you that even though she has been attending church for a long time, she kept postponing getting baptized. She is now ready and determined to get baptized in September. In the weeks to come, we will meet more often for catechism. Praise God!

July 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

I mentioned in the last report about our plan to go to Spain. We thank the Lord for blessing us. Our travels were under His protection. We were glad to be together with our relatives at the wedding, and in fellowship with the brothers and sisters from Reus for two Sundays.


Being back in the country, we focused our attention on the baptism scheduled for the last Sunday of July. On the Friday before, the church received these five candidates as new church members, and listened to their testimonies on how they turned to God. It was a time of heart-searching for them and for us. I am sharing one of them with you.

Sister Ana, 80 years old, grew up in a Christian orphanage. There she learned for the first time about God and how to get salvation. Sadly, once she left the orphanage, she gave up everything she had learned and lived a sinful life, far away from God. Shortly before he died, Ana’s father gave her his Bible. He told her to read this book because in it she would meet the Lord Jesus and learn about the way to eternal life. He also told her not to leave the Bible forgotten in a drawer. For awhile this is exactly what happened: the Bible was put away and forgotten. But the Spirit of the Lord searched Sister Ana, she took the Bible and started to read it. God convicted her of her sinful nature and offered forgiveness, and now she is experiencing the “first love” for God. 

By God’s grace, everything went well at the baptism. Two Brothers and three Sisters publicly confessed their faith for their Savior Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord for everything!

Prayer Requests:

-           For the spiritual growth of the five people who were baptized

-           For more people to become saved by God

-           For my family: spiritual and physical health

In Him,

Daniel Petrut


May 2017

By the grace of the Lord we ended another year of Biblical School in Bucerdea Granoasa. The last course was about the history of the church. Regarding the Nehemiah course, we decided with Brother Sofrac to continue with the last two courses in this project. We hope this has great impact for the Village of Gabud and not only. At the same time, we hope that the relationships between the brothers and sister in Ocna Mures become stronger, as they serve the Lord together. One of the elders of this church is preparing three persons for baptism this summer, and we hope one more for whom we have been praying: Paraschiva from Mihalt. She has just decided to follow the Lord Jesus and publicly confess Him through bapti

April 2017

We were very glad to meet with Cornel and Gabi Stef. We hope that through them, you have heard news about the work we do in Mihalt. We would love to have you, our brothers and sisters from MBC, with us. We pray that the Lord would fulfill His Will fully in each of us. It would be great joy for us to see you again in Mihalt.

March 2017

 “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for Him” - a message that resonates strongly in my heart around this time. It’s about a year now since my father passed away. I live with the desire that the Lord would be glorified in us and through us, every day we live on earth.

February 2017

 Dear brothers and sisters in the Lord,

We thank God for everything He does in our life. Meditating on this, we realize that each situation has a purpose, namely to glorify our Lord. Through the grace of the Lord, we continue the work we started with the churches in the pastoral group in Mihalt:

News from November

With God’s help we strive to be diligent in the projects we started: the Nehemiah project in the town of Gabud, with the involvement of the team and church from Ocna Mures, and the Bible School from Bucerdea Granoasa, with the support of the brothers from Caransebes. This year is almost over, and when looking back, we are grateful for His guidance.

News from October

We are glad to be able to write from the area where we serve the Lord. Health-wise, Alin is doing much better. He started working again. Still, the family context is still affecting his spiritual maturity. Since his mother dies, he is the one to wash the clothes for his father and brothers, and the one to do all the cooking. He leaves for work early in the morning and returns late at night. We try to stay closely connected with him, as a church, but many times he avoids spending time with us.

Update from Daniel Petrut

After a long break, we have started meeting again with teenagers in Bucerdea Granoasa. I have initiated a series of meetings in which we talk about internet, facebook, video games and other things which may lead to addiction. I challenged them to bring resources for advantages and disadvantages in both Christian and laic backgrounds.