News from November

We are thankful to the Lord for the grace and blessings He pours on us every day. We thank God for you, and for the brotherly ties we have with you through the Holy Spirit.

With God’s help we strive to be diligent in the projects we started: the Nehemiah project in the town of Gabud, with the involvement of the team and church from Ocna Mures, and the Bible School from Bucerdea Granoasa, with the support of the brothers from Caransebes. This year is almost over, and when looking back, we are grateful for His guidance.

Part of the Nehemia project, we focused on one town called Gabud which we started covering in prayer. We believe there is a spiritual battle in which the Lord wants us involved. At the last prayer session, one of the residents asked the group of men who were praying, if they wanted to go into his house. We didn’t visit him then, but later found out that that man was causing trouble in the village, and was avoided by his neighbors. We took this as a sign that we are in the will of the Lord.

With the Bible School, we go deeper into the Word of God every month. We are glad for the dedication of the bothers who join us from Caransebes, and for the ones that come from our area. We believe that this is great support for the believers, for their encouragement, strengthening of faith and spiritual growth.

Aside from these monthly projects, we are involved in pastoral duties: visiting people, especially the sick, pastoral counseling, and youth ministry. With the youth, I started a one on one strategy, trying to talk with each one so that I better understand their needs.

Enjoy the celebration of Jesus’ birth! Pray for us as the Holy Spirit guides you.

With brotherly love,

Daniel C. Petrut