March 2017

 “For if we live, we live for the Lord, and if we die, we die for Him” - a message that resonates strongly in my heart around this time. It’s about a year now since my father passed away. I live with the desire that the Lord would be glorified in us and through us, every day we live on earth.

The projects we started and I mentioned in previous reports are advancing well. Regarding the Nehemiah project, we pray for guidance. At the next Biblical School meeting in Bucerdea, we hope to have Arnie Halverson. We also look to mobilize the youth who wish to participate at the PIE meeting in April. Mobilizing the brothers and sisters who serve at the church is a bit difficult. 

I wrote about the first divorce case I had to deal with since becoming a pastor. Sadly, counseling and getting back together did not work as one of the spouses wanted to start a new life with a non-believer. Consequently, we had to ask them to renounce their church membership. This situation caused lots of pain.

Years ago, within the “Christ is the Answer” ministry, a young man was working as a volunteer. Meanwhile he got married and had a son. It has been seven years since his wife filed for divorce and received custody of the child. Daniel Basalacioc was ruined both emotionally and financially. I have tried to help him overcome that moment, but the evil attacks on him were and still are very strong. The last time he visited us, he shared he didn’t have a job in months. He was depressed and was fighting thoughts of suicide. He was saying that there was no reason to live. The fact that his son Luca who is 9 y old didn’t want to talk to him on the phone, worsened the situation. In trying to help Daniel, after he got hired at a company in our area, we offered him room and board at our house.

Prayer support:

-           For Daniel’s rehabilitation

-           For the PIE meeting in April

-           For my family: wisdom and guidance

With love in Christ,

Daniel C. Petrut, PIE Missionary