April 2017

 Dear beloved brothers and sisters in the Lord,

We were very glad to meet with Cornel and Gabi Stef. We hope that through them, you have heard news about the work we do in Mihalt. We would love to have you, our brothers and sisters from MBC, with us. We pray that the Lord would fulfill His Will fully in each of us. It would be great joy for us to see you again in Mihalt.

We want to thank God first and then you for your faithfulness in supporting the Lord’s work. We know you pray for us, and we appreciate it. There’s need for more prayer because the spiritual battle is strong. We make extensive efforts to gather the children and youth in the village, to show them the way to the Lord, and after awhile the devil spreads them out. We want to be a testimony of God’s grace to our people, and many times their hearts remain cold. We thank the Lord for the fruit we have seen since we have started working in Mihalt. There aren’t that many believers here, but each one of them through their repentance has been an encouragement for us. We also want to thank you for your giving, for financial support. May the Lord reward you according to His measure of grace!

We were glad to be together with brothers and sisters at the PIE conference in Alba Iulia. For youth night, there were six youth that participated from Mihalt. We pray that the Lord would touch their heart so that they would repent and have faith in God. This conference was an opportunity to rest in the Lord for me and my family. We thank God for the organizers and those who served at this conference. Daniel Basalacioc still lives with us and has held the job. At times he is doing well, other times he is upset with us, with his life and with God. There is need for continued prayer for him.

Prayer Support:

-           For my mother who has a bad cold and is very weak

-           For God’s guidance in my family

-           For Daniel Basalacioc


With brotherly love,

Daniel C. Petrut, PIE Missionary at Mihalt