May 2017

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord,

By the grace of the Lord we ended another year of Biblical School in Bucerdea Granoasa. The last course was about the history of the church. Regarding the Nehemiah course, we decided with Brother Sofrac to continue with the last two courses in this project. We hope this has great impact for the Village of Gabud and not only. At the same time, we hope that the relationships between the brothers and sister in Ocna Mures become stronger, as they serve the Lord together. One of the elders of this church is preparing three persons for baptism this summer, and we hope one more for whom we have been praying: Paraschiva from Mihalt. She has just decided to follow the Lord Jesus and publicly confess Him through baptism.

Thank you for prayer for my mother. The cold has affected her lungs which caused heavy breathing, and through the grace of the Lord, she is better now.

Daniel Basalacioc had some health issues, with arms going numb frequently. Doctors concluded he had some issues with the spinal cord where nerves caused the numbness. Daniel still struggles with depression.

With the Lord’s help, at the end of June we leave for Spain. One of Rahela’s brothers is getting married. Both he and his future wife live in Spain.

Prayer Support:

-           For protection and guidance from the Lord, in everything we do

-           For the brothers and sisters in Ocna Mures, and the pastors in Mihalt, Craciunelu de Jos,              Bucerdea Granoasa

-           For Daniel Basalacioc


Daniel Petrut