Update from Daniel Petrut

Dear brothers, 
After a long break, we have started meeting again with teenagers in Bucerdea Granoasa. I have initiated a series of meetings in which we talk about internet, facebook, video games and other things which may lead to addiction. I challenged them to bring resources for advantages and disadvantages in both Christian and laic backgrounds. One 

of the girls is Naomi, whom I wrote you about in previous reports. She is 15 and has diabetics. Although she is very joyful, her trials make her isolate herself from others. 

In spite of the few members in Mihalt, our fellowship is more profound. After a period of time with trials, fights, we have managed to be as a family. This is one of the main targets we want to fulfill as church: to restore the brotherhood relations between the members of the church, so that our testimony in our community would be of great impact. 

Prayer needs: 

  • Naomi – to remain faithful in spite of her sickness; 
  • A rich spiritual harvest in Mihalt; 
  • My family, for wisdom, spiritual and physical health 

With love in Christ, 
Daniel Petrut