Camp "Candela"


May the Peace of the Lord come with you and may His joy fill your hearts. Thank God that we have this opportunity to serve our Lord with you dear brothers and sisters.

Thank you for your prayers for us and for our family.

Praise the Lord that I could work together with other brothers from the mission of the PAI in Camp Candela, which took place in Boyan.

I could be the leader of one room over guys who were 17-18 years old. Every morning we prayed with them and read the Bible and meditated on the book of Jacob. Over the course of the week I helped with the translation into Russian for those children who did not know Romanian in the group where Brother Pavel taught lectures.

On the first day of the evening of worship, I had a sermon word for the entire camp on the theme “The Word of God” according to the book of Jacob. Helped my wife wherever needed. My wife Alla was the coordinator of this camp. She organized a good team of 26 leaders. In advance, over the course of three months, she prepared these young people so that they knew their responsibilities as leaders ... so that they knew who should behave and how and what they should be responsible for. The leaders in advance distributed the children in rooms ... and by age ... then Alla in advance compiled lists of children ... in advance discussed how to spend worship evenings ... what topics of the day will be ... what scenes ... films ... contests. .. all this was prepared in advance .... there was a lot of work ... but with God's help we could do everything and prepare .... Alla made a lot of changes in the camp program .... well, here are a couple of examples: first- I put this prayer chas before physical exercises .... the second strictly set the desceplen so that no one would break and so that the lead We watched this who violates the first order and then sent home ... so that boys to girls would not go into rooms and girls to boys .... to respect each other .... to respect the leaders of teachers .... what would participated in all plans of the camp .... and what is surprising this year, children and young people were very obedient ... they spoke strictly this year, but cool ...


Then, in the pool, the boys were separated from the girls. At first the girls bathed, and then the boys .... and everything was fine.

 They liked the evening of worship the most ... they organized a young worship group, Naomi participated in it - she sang and played on the sensitizer ... Ruth she sang ... Tanya Pascar she also sang ... Andrei he played the guitar .. Arkady he played he sang on the guitar ... Venya Paskar played the violin .... Abigael Grishka she also sang ... Vitalik and Nesvoi played the stentizer .... such a group of worship of bawning prepared songs and could glorify God and make the whole camp happy.


Then, every evening, leaders with their rooms for children and young people knew in advance what scenes to prepare and contests on the topic of the day. After this was a sermon every evening, brothers from the PAI mission went to preach on the topic of the day ... also Naomi and Ruth spent the evening news of the camp day where they prepared photos and video slides for the whole camp .... Also, Sasha Pastushak also had a very big role in this camp he spent the whole day and every day he shot videos and photos, then he mantled it and showed it to the whole camp ... everyone was drunk with these slides photos and videos ... there was also daily cleaning of rooms Alla went to the place with Sasha and checked the order of their rooms. Sasha photo rafiroval room and the evening show. but there was not only order, but also some surprises for Aunt Alla .... and they put balls in a room cleaner and more beautiful ... everyone liked it too ... we awarded them with the sweets that you sent a little earlier .. .. thank you for them .... also we had a Sport instructor Yanyk is a very good and responsible brother. He spent every day sports after the pool .. there were very interesting games and new ones. Thank you for helping to buy sports equipment for the camp .... and we also brought sports equipment from our Church which was not enough .... we also brought equipment from our church for the music group because it was impossible to use very old from Nesvoi which brought the equipment .... Alla also took the scenery in order to stage the scene and drink there the name of the camp and the theme of the camp .... Candela ... Life for Christ ....

After the evening worship, the evenings were very eventful so that children and young people would not just play the Belt as they did until now every evening before those years. But we divided them into three groups, one went to the Evening Mini Bonfire where brother Andrei Petihachny led guitar and fellowship .... others went to Christian Films ... where Alla and I could comment on these films later .... and the third went to board games or community in the circle led Yanyk .... and so it was three in the evening until then all did not participate in three groups. And on the fourth evening we divided them into four groups as they were divided for sports and they played a night quest ... two young girls, that is, the leaders thought this game up very interestingly ... and then each one found his treasure and this treasure was the Bible. .


On the fifth day in the evening there was a big caster and a special program was prepared for the entire camp. Our new son, Eugene, was the husband of our Naemini.

We are very tired of everything, but God helped us all was very interesting and useful this year ... All young and teenagers and children said it was strictly, but very interesting and cool .... and they repented a lot and wrote a lot more .. ... but .....

Thank you and God. That they could hold this camp.

Pray for the children who know Christ and their parents prevent them from going to church and approaching God.

Secret baptism


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Blessings to you from the Lord and many thanks to God for you and for your prayers and financial support.

1. This month we were with our Church at baptism in Chernivtsi. One young girl, she is from Novoselitsa, she believed in God even when she was a teenager. She was Naomi’s classmate, they were very friendly, and thanks to this friendship, God helped her to accept Jesus Christ into her life.

But the relatives of this girl are very opposed. And she secretly attended meetings or youth meetings. This girl's name is Valya and now God helped her to be baptized, we were all happy for her and went to her baptism.


2. 14 .07. 2019. It was a leadership meeting for the youth camp in Boyans. Alla and I put together a Leadership Team in order to prepare a program for the camp. This year there will be 26 leaders. Alla is the coordinator. She helps Brother Paul and Sister Larisa in preparing this camp. We, together with the whole team, made a little change in the program ...., especially in the evenings ... there will be three groups of young people where some will go to chat near the mini campfire. Another group will go to watch a Christian film. The third group will go to the games (checkers, chess, board games, or games in a circle that can be played in the room). And so it will be three in the evening and the group will change. There will also be a worship group that will lead the singing of the whole camp. Responsible for this group are Naomi and Ruth.

Leaders prepare each for their room lessons in the morning for prayer.

Also July 21 there was another leadership meeting for the camp in Boyans. We discussed a lot more: sports, a program for the evening of worship. There will be a sermon on the theme of the day every night; the brothers from the PAI mission will preach.

3. In our family has become an important event. Our daughter Naomi is getting married. July 20, 2019 was the matchmaking of Naomi and Zhenya. We are very happy for them and pray for the formation of a new family. The wedding will be 08.18.2019.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray for that girl Valya who was baptized so that God would help her to endure the difficulties in her family and tell her parents about her decision. And so that she remains faithful to Him.

2. Pray for the Boyanah camp, for God to work in the hearts of the leaders. So that they can give theirselves to the ministry at 100%.

3. Pray for the youth who will be in the camp so that God will work in them and change their life.

4. Pray for Naomi and Zhenya. For God to be in the first place in their life, and so that they can prepare for this important step in their life.

Yours faithfully, the missionary Valera Popov.

Children camp in the "Emmanuel" Church


I greet you with the Grace and Love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for praying and supporting us.

With God's help, our church"Emmanuel" was able to spend a six-day camp for children and adolescents. The theme of the camp was "What is good and what is bad" based on the 10 commandments. There were 66 children in total. There was a good team of 13 young leaders. Every day I drove children from different places to the camp. I brought all that was needed for the kitchen products. Alla coordinated this camp. It was a very blessed time.

On the seventh day, on Sunday, we made a final meeting for parents and children. The children sang and recited Bible verses which they had been learned for six days for parents. We also interviewed the children about what they liked in the camp or what they took for themselves. The children answered very interestingly and in different ways. One of the boys who was in the teenage group said: "that there is no need to sin and you need to trust Jesus and hallow Sunday."

There were three groups: one for kids from 4 years to 7 years. The second for children from 8 years to 10 years. Third from 11 to 16 years. They had been taught lectures at their level.

When they made a program for their parents, I had a thankful and encouraging word for them. Parents of unbelievers were 12 people. And this is a blessing to us. When Alla explained to the parents the commandments that the children taught, they very much listened with great attention.

Thank God that we were able to spend this camp with His help. There were a lot of problems before the camp, but He helped solve everything.

Also, we were visited by Brother Sasha Pastushak to make beautiful photos of our camp. Thank God and for him.

Thank you for helping us financially and morally. Blessings to you and may God always be with you.

Yours faithfully, the missionary Valera Popov.

Regional conference with sisters


I welcome you dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. May God's love and mercy be always in your hearts, words and thoughts.

Thank you for always remembering and praying for us. Thank God for putting this desire in you to serve and help others. Gratitude to you and we Praise God that He takes care of us through you.

Last Sunday, I invited a group of young Chernivtsi to us in the Church, so that they could serve the Church and God. Our Naomi and Ruth worship God with the songs in a place with this group of young. They also had a sermon. I am very glad that the Church was edified, and the young ones served.

On June 6, my family and I were invited to the wedding of my nephew. He is my brother's son. My brother and nephew, they are unbelievers. And they made a wedding for the faithful relatives separately a couple of days later. We were there talking to them. Then I had a word for them. And he said that life without Christ does not make sense. We wished them to have Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord. My brother and his family listened very attentively and accepted the wishes.

Also on June 8, sister Larisa and Brother Pavel held a sister regional conference in our Church. There were about 30 sisters. My wife and sister Larisa prepared dinner for everyone. It was a very blessed time.

Pray for our Church to grow spiritually and quantitatively. Pray for my loved ones who heard the word of God, so that they would know God as Savior and Lord. Also pray for the preparation for the Camp in the Boyans. And for the camp, which will be with us in the Church from July 1 to July 7. So that many children would come and their parents would not let go.

With respect and gratitude to you

Missioner Valera Popov.

Preparation for the Summer Camp

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Greetings to all with the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your support, prayer, and help. Thank God that you can serve God and help others.

In our family, by the grace of God, all is well. Noemi is finishing the third course of the English language. Ruth finishes second-course medicine. Little man grows for the glory of God. Noemi and Ruth are always in the Church and in other youth meetings. They praise God by singing.

Last Sunday, we, I, and my wife gathered young people who wanted to be the leaders and help to prepare for the "Candela" camp in Boyan. There were also brother Paul and sister Larisa. Brother Pavel asked Alla to help and lead the Camp.

We discussed how best to make this camp, who will be responsible for what. Who will have what responsibilities. There would be 22 leaders in total, and at the first meeting, there were 16 people. There will be five more such meetings.

Pray for God to bless this team with the wisdom and love of Jesus Christ. And help in the preparation. Also, pray for our church to be more zealous for the ministry and grow spiritually.

Missionary and pastor in Novoselitsa Popov Valera

Jesus for children's hearts

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Greetings to everybody who loves Jesus and who concerns of our ministry!

For five meetings, the children were taught how to build their lives on the teachings of Jesus Christ. They took the construction of a house for comparison. The active teaching was taken in this children's ministry: Ruth sang songs with the children, played games, and taught Bible verses. Valera served as a transport to these children, because many children live far away. Valera and teachers also communicate with the parents of these children who do not believe.

In total, 16 children came, 7 of them from unbelieving families. After they had completed the five lessons, we invited them to the service on the Resurrection, and with their teachers, they sang songs and wrote Bible verses to the glory of the Lord. Praise the Lord for them!

Pray for the children's ministry in Novoselitsa.

We are thankful Him for everything He gave us and everyone who prays for us and support this ministry.

Best wishes,

Pastor and missioner Popov Valery and Alla

Ministry with teenagers

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Greetings to everybody who loves Jesus and who concerns of our ministry!

By God`s Grace, we had a great opportunity to serve our teenagers of the Novoselitsa. The team of youth had came to us from Chernivtsi and we had a wonderful meeting together. We conducted a special program and topic as “Good news” that God had gave us His only begotten Son Who died for our sins.

There were about twelve of teenagers including five from unbelieving families. They had a lot of questions of faith and God. By the end of this event, they got many impressions, answers and heard the Good News! What we are very happy about!

Noemin and Ruth sang in a worship group and encouraged everyone to proclaim the Name of Jesus.

God abundantly blessed this meeting by His riches and glory.

We are thankful Him for everything He gave us and everyone who prays for us and support this ministry.

Best wishes,

Pastor and missioner Popov Valery and Alla

Solid Foundations

I am glad to serve the Lord and His church in different ways.

I encourage the spiritual growth of the local church I serve by preaching the Gospel and teaching its members the Values of the Christ. 

We give a great priority to the youth and children’s ministry. We started a new cycle of Bible lessons with them about how to build a resistant house on a right foundation. The teens had a special meeting at which they could invite their unsaved friends. There were around 15-20 teens at the meeting. They learned new things in Scripture that help them understand the Christian values that were taken from the Bible - the wise ones worthy to be followed in real life. 

Teen Ministry

 I was with a team of teenagers who do not know the Lord at a football competition organized by regional Christian youth. There the boys could show how Christians respect each other even in sports.

We pray for all these teenagers that the Lord will search their hearts and that Jesus Christ will become their Lord and Savior. Join with us in prayer for this ministry.

The youth of the church are also involved in praise and worship in the church services and other places at regional or district level, at various Christian meetings.

We continue to distribute the Christian tracts among those who do not know the Lord.

Thank you for being with us in the work that we do in Ukraine for the Church of God to be built and the enlargement of the Kingdom of God.

I wish you much grace and great heart for the work of the Lord.

Be Blessed.

The Popov family

Evangelization through the sport

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Thanks to the Lord for such a great opportunity to serve people and make them followers of Jesus Christ.

And I am really appreciated to all who support us and make this ministry a reality.

We had the ministry for the teenagers. That is the evangelization through the activity and sport. We gathered the football team and took part in the championship of our Novoselitsa region. The great blessing for us is the next that our team consists of 5 unbelievers guys and only 1 guy is from believing family. Me as their head man and this one guy, we showed them how good is to know God, how it is possible to live without bad habits and bad words. We noticed that our instance has a good influence on their lives. We show that we are not boring religion and we can spend time with fun.

On this competition we came with a great support group on football. There were many girls and boys from our church and our city that encourage our team to win the game.

We plan to continue to work with these guys to have some meetings and talk about life and their needs, to help them see God and His love for them. So, please, pray for these meetings and these guys. We want them to know Jesus Christ with their hearts and let He fill them.


Missionary Valeriy and Alla Popovy.

Opportunities during the Holidays

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By God’s grace we started this year by being involved in different ministries. 

Winter holidays have given us more opportunities to serve the Lord through special meetings with children dedicated to the Nativity of Jesus as well as various forms of massive evangelism in the center of the city, where hundreds of people had the possibility to hear the Good News about Jesus’ Birth. We also went caroling at people’s houses and shared Christian brochures. We didn’t forget about the leaders of our town and caroled for them too. We evangelized to people in the streets and the town square and were involved in different ministries with teens and children. We organized a meeting with the teens to which 16 teens came and studied the book of Jonah. 

Reaching the Unsaved

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We are highly involved in the delivery of the parcels with Christian brochures and calendars to the unsaved people of our town.

We thank God for you, we pray that His grace will be given to you abundantly in your life, your families, and the churches you serve.

Be blessed for everything you do for the church of Christ in Ukraine.

Sincerely, Valery Popov.