Preparation for the Summer Camp

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Greetings to all with the love of Jesus Christ. Thank you for your support, prayer, and help. Thank God that you can serve God and help others.

In our family, by the grace of God, all is well. Noemi is finishing the third course of the English language. Ruth finishes second-course medicine. Little man grows for the glory of God. Noemi and Ruth are always in the Church and in other youth meetings. They praise God by singing.

Last Sunday, we, I, and my wife gathered young people who wanted to be the leaders and help to prepare for the "Candela" camp in Boyan. There were also brother Paul and sister Larisa. Brother Pavel asked Alla to help and lead the Camp.

We discussed how best to make this camp, who will be responsible for what. Who will have what responsibilities. There would be 22 leaders in total, and at the first meeting, there were 16 people. There will be five more such meetings.

Pray for God to bless this team with the wisdom and love of Jesus Christ. And help in the preparation. Also, pray for our church to be more zealous for the ministry and grow spiritually.

Missionary and pastor in Novoselitsa Popov Valera