Helped to plant crops


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters!

I thank the Lord that this month he blessed me with health and I was able to serve for God.

1. On every Sunday he served in our church, preached and our youth had a worship program.

Also, every Saturday our youth have an analysis of the Word of God, and once a week our brothers also have an analysis of the Word.

2.This spring, our church actively helped our elderly church members as well as people from the village to cultivate their gardens. They planted crops and cleared the land of weeds. They thanked our church for such help. Thank God that our church is alive and always helps to all people in difficult moments of life. This is another opportunity to be exemplary Christians among people.

3. Preparations for baptism:

-Starting preparations for baptism. Thank God that there are 3 young people who want to make a covenant with Jesus Christ through water baptism. We pray for this ministry too.


-I am very grateful to God, brothers and sisters, for you and for your support, for your prayers for all our missionaries. This helps us a lot and encourages us in our ministry.

-Thank the Lord for always protecting me and my family.

-Thanks to God for our church, for the youth and children.

-For the fact that the Lord protects our lands from war and while peace is observed. God grant that we do not have a war.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us that the Pandemic will end and we will be able to hold a daytime Christian children's camp in nature, as well as to hold a Non Stop youth camp in Boyany.

- So that there are no obstacles to baptism. For candidates for baptism, so that the Lord strengthens their faith and love.

-For me, so that the Lord blesses me further with health so that I can serve Him with all my best.

May the Lord bless you too, our dear ones. We always pray for you. Accept from our family a heartfelt Christian greetings.

With love your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

Glory to God for His immeasurable love for us sinners

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love of Jesus Christ and with the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ - Christ is Risen!

1. I praise God for helping me this month to work in the Field of God. With God's help, we organized 2 evangelistic meetings for the Easter Feast. The first day and the second day.

On the first day of Easter, young people, our choir and children glorified the Lord through chants and verses to the Glory of Jesus Christ the Risen. With the same program we went on the second day (Monday) to the church in the village of Marshentsi and glorified our Lord there too. Thank God that we were and the unbelievers who listened to the Word. We pray for them.


Also, on the third day of this glorious holiday, the whole church visited sick and lonely people, proclaiming to them the message of salvation through the suffering and blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses us from all sin - Glory to God for His immeasurable love for us sinners.

Our youth distributed Christian literature to non-believers.

2. Bread breaking.

On the Thursday before the feast of Resurrection, we, together with the church, made the Breaking of Bread, recalling the sufferings of Jesus Christ from the Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary and the crucifixion. We recalled how Jesus Christ together with His disciples, on Holy Thursday, performed the Holy Sacrament - the Breaking of Bread. I also visited one sick brother with the breaking of bread, Dmitry, he is 90 years old. He was very happy that we do not forget about him and he can, together with the church, remember the sufferings of Christ through the breaking of bread.


-I am very grateful to the Lord for you, our dear partners and brothers in Christ, for the fact that you support us in your prayers before the Lord and help us serve here with your material means. May the Lord bless your sacrifice and return you a hundredfold blessings.

-Thank the Lord for protecting our church from Pandemic and also my family.

-Thank God for the youth, for the children, for our choir who work hard in God's Vineyard, as well as for our elderly church members who support our church in their prayers.


4. Prayer Needs

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord will not allow war in our country and stop the war in 2 regions - Lugansk and Donetsk.

-Pray for those unbelievers who have heard the message of salvation through our sermons and glorification of young people, so that the Lord will touch their hearts.

-Pray that the Lord will continue to protect us and our church from the Covid 19 Pandemic.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters, for your families and for your country. May the Lord bless you abundantly!

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

Visiting a patient


I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA who are, together with us, the workers of the gospel of Christ here in Ukraine!

I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that this month He helped me to work in His Field.

1. Funeral

-At the end of the month of March, we had a funeral of our old resident sister (Pasha). She recently turned 99 years old. Our youth congratulated her (recently) on her birthday, and now God called her home. The Word was preached at the funeral. There were many people who listened attentively. The Word of God.

-Also went to the funeral in Rokitna, where the pastor of the church is our missionary brother Kioresko Gregory. There the old choir director brother Ilya died and the Word was also preached there in the Power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for those people who listened to the Gospel message so that God would test the hearts of they repented.

2.Bread breaking:

-At the beginning of the month of April, together with the church, they celebrated the breaking of bread. They remembered the suffering and death of our Savior Jesus Christ. Also visited 1 sick brother (b. Dmitry) at home and also together with him remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ through the Bread-breaking - Glory to God! Brother rejoiced with us glorifying the Lord for His precious love for us people.


3.Our youth, the children's group from Sunday school and our choir - we are all preparing for the evangelistic meetings that will be held on May 2 and 3. We are preparing invitation cards for people from the village to invite them to evangelism. We pray that the Lord bless this time for peace in Ukraine and so that everyone is healthy.


-Thank God always for you, our dear brothers and sisters, for helping us and supporting us in your prayers.

-Thank the Lord for giving me, my family and our church health and strength to work in His Field.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the people who heard the Word of God at the funeral, that the Lord would touch their hearts for repentance.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine. For the Lord to pacify those who are preparing to attack Ukraine with war. We only rely on God.

-To end the Pandemic all over the world, so that the children of God could work freely and preach the Word of Christ.

And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will protect all of you from Covid, give you all health and bless you all! We know that you had Easter on April 4, so we congratulate you on this Great Holiday: -Christ is Risen! Christ is Truly Risen !

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

Blessed the baby


I greet you with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

I thank the Lord for His love and grace for me and for the fact that He helps me to work in His Field.

1.Bread breaking:

-Together with our church, we had this month, on the first Sunday, the Holy Communion-Breaking of Bread, remembered the Suffering of Jesus Christ our Savior. We also visited 2 patients with Bread-breaking in their homes, where they thanked the Lord for having such an opportunity, together with the church, to remember the death and suffering of Christ.

2.Blessing of little Timothy:

-14 March we, together with the church, we had a holiday in the church. The family of our choir directors, Leonid and Irina Paskar, came for the blessing of the child, with little Timofey. These are their 6 children and Leonid is my brother. The youth and a group of children prepared a wonderful program for this family and we, together with the church, prayed over the little boy Timothy so that the Lord would bless him abundantly with health and correct development and, most importantly, that he would be a child of God and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness - the rest of the Lord will reward him.


3. Visits to patients:

-Visit, together with our youth, sister Pasha, she turned 99 years old. The youth sang and recited poems to her, and also read to her from the Word of God and prayed that the Lord would strengthen her faith and hope in the Lord.

-We also visited our mother, Maria, my mother Nadia, in the village of Rokitne. She is already 89 years old and she was very happy that we came to her. We praised the Lord and prayed together.

-With his wife Nadia we visited a sister, Antonia, who after the operation. She was very happy that the children of God did not forget about her. Together they prayed and praised God.

4. Meeting our missionaries:

On March 12, our missionaries, missions of PIEI Ukraine, had a meeting and even had a virtual meeting on the Internet with brother Cornel Stef. After talking with him we were very encouraged, because we missed our Romanian brothers from Romania and brothers from the USA. of this Pandemic, we met more often at different conferences and meetings. Groups from brothers and sisters from the USA came to us during Christian camps. We expressed great gratitude to brothers and sisters from the USA through Brother Cornel Steph, for your good partnership work with us, for your support that we have here from you, we always thank God for you and pray that God will bless all our partners in the Gospel from the USA, here in Ukraine.


-Thank the Lord for protecting our church from Pandemic and for now we can get together.

-Thank God, brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting me here in the ministry through your prayers and material assistance.

-Thank God for our youth and children who gather to study the Word of God.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the Lord to keep us safe from this virus.

-In order for us to do, this summer, a children's Christian day camp in our church and for the Non Stop camp of our mission PIEI Ukraine, in Boyana, so that we can hold it with God's help.

-Pray for our church. We are looking for 2 candidates for the ministry of deacons in the church. For the Lord to show us whom to choose for this ministry.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA, who will be a great blessing for us in our ministry here in Ukraine. We pray for you and bless you. May the Lord reward you a hundredfold! My family says hello to the Dornbos family to Sherina and Bill.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Social assistance


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I thank the Lord for the fact that this month He helped me to work in His Field.

1. Father's funeral:

-This month my family, as well as the family of my brothers, had the funeral of our father Vasily. At the age of 88, God called him home. At this funeral there were many people who supported us, and the Word was preached in the power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for those who listened to the Word that the Lord would touch their hearts.

2.Social assistance:

-Our church organized 2 times help for those in need. The first time we raised money for one brother whose house caught fire after a fire. He has 7 children. The second help we collected for one woman who is in need because of poverty. Thank God that in this way He fulfills the needs of those who need help.

3.Youth and Sunday school:

-I am grateful to God that our youth have the opportunity to gather to parse the Word of God and rehearse songs, prepare worship programs for ministry in the church. Also, children go regularly to Sunday school at our church. We pray that the Lord bless everyone, because the youth and children are the future of our church.


-I am grateful to God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you are a great help for us, both prayerfully and materially. May God bless you with health and many good blessings!

-Thanks to God for protecting us from this virus, and we still have the opportunity to gather in the House of Prayer and worship God.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that God kept us safe from this pandemic so that we could continue to serve Him, even if so that we observe the distance and other sanitary requirements.

-Pray that we can make a Christian youth camp in Boyany this summer, as well as a Christian children's camp at our church. God forbid this Pandemic to calm down!

-Pray for my health. I have a severe pain in my back in the area of ​​the spine. For the Lord to heal me, so that I continue to work in the Lord's Field.

My family also pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will bless you with health and that he will keep you and your families from the Pandemic virus.

Please accept my heartfelt greetings, in the Name of Jesus Christ, from me and from my family.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Funeral of father


I greet you, dear brothers and sisters, with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to our Lord for leading me this month and helping me in His ministry.


-It is hard for me to write about this, but the Lord called my father to His home at the age of 88, his name was Vasily Pascar. Recently we visited him and my father participated in the communion of the breaking of bread, but then he had a stroke. He was a very good father for us and an exemplary Christian. The funeral was held on February 5, and the Word of God was preached strongly, where the Word was heard by many people both believers and unbelievers. There were brothers of the pastor from Chernivtsi: brother Petrescu Peter, brother Yuri Kushnir and brother Semion Gavrilov and preached at home. We pray for unbelievers. people who heard the Word so that the Lord would touch their hearts.


2.Bread breaking:

- On February 7, we held the Bread Breaking in the church and also visited the sick at home, and they also had the opportunity to receive Holy Communion.


-I am grateful to God for the fact that He protects my family from the Pandemic, as well as our church. We are gathering as before, together with young people and children.

- I thank the Lord for you brothers and sisters for being, together with us, good partners in ministry here in Ukraine. Through your help, we can work here to expand the Kingdom of God - Glory to God for everything!

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that this Pandemic stops and does not touch God's children, and that we can hold youth and children's Christian camps this summer. Only the Lord can help us in this ministry.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

We pray for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, that the Lord will abundantly bless you, your families and your churches. We pray that the Lord will bless your work. Accept my family's heartfelt greetings.

With love your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.

New Year and Christmas holidays


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

I thank God for helping us to celebrate the holiday of Christmas and New Year-2021! Although the Pandemic is still raging in our country and since January 8, we, in Ukraine, have held Lockdown and quarantine until the end of the month, but Thank God for the fact that we have Divine Services the church is going well and we can worship God together with the church.

1.New Year.

On December 31, we celebrated the New Year 2021 in prayer, on our knees, together with the church. We thanked God for the past 2020, for blessings and trials. We asked the Lord to bless us this year. Children and young people had a good program for praising the Lord. ... We pray for those friends who attend our services that the Lord will test their hearts and give them repentance.


-3 January we had a bread breaking. The first bread breaking this year. Thank God. Also I visited 3 patients at home with bread breaking. They were so happy that they took part in Holy Communion with us.


-7 January our church celebrated the Nativity of Christ in the old style. The whole village celebrates so much in our country, that's why we celebrate like that. Our youth, choir and children had a rich program for this evangelization, then they walked around the village with carols and presented all the people with spiritual calendars, Christian newspapers and other Christian brochures. We invited all these people to our services. We pray for these people that the Lord will open to them.

4. Week of Prayers:


-From the New Year our church for 8 days, every day we had 2 prayer hours and services, according to the program from the prayer calendar and various church needs. We were also attended by preachers from other churches and from Romanian and Ukrainian churches. Thank God that He blesses our church and answers our prayers.


-Thank the Lord for his protection and care for our church.

-Always thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA. For helping me with your prayers and materially, and thanks to you I can serve in God's Field here in Ukraine.

-Thank the Lord for my family for the fact that He protects us and helps us in everything.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray that the Lord will protect us, our families and our churches in the future from this Pandemic.

-So that we can do a Christian youth camp this summer this year.

-Young girl Katerina, who repented in our camp in 2019, went to live in France, with her grandfather. She is 15 years old and will finish school there. Pray for her that her faith and love for God will not grow cold there abroad. Although she told us that she would attend our churches there, we pray for her, because her relatives are unbelievers.

- to end the war in the South East of Ukraine.

And we, too, pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA. May the Lord bless you! My family sends Christian greetings to the Dornbos family Bil and Sherina, as well as the family of Steph Cornell and Gabi.

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Pascar Alex.

Preparations for the holidays


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

We would like, on behalf of my family, to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021!

Another year has passed and by the grace of God we are alive and well - Glory to Him!

I always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters, for praying for me and for supporting me in my work for the Lord. May the Lord bless you abundantly and give you health and peace in your hearts and in your families!

1.Social assistance:

-This month we helped one large family from the village of Sankivtsi, because they needed money and humanitarian aid. Thank God that the members of our church with love collected this aid for this family. This family glorified the Lord for what through Him the church they received such help and their needs were met.


-Visited 2 times a church from the village of Marshenzi. They organized, 10 days before the New Year, prayer meetings every day. We also organize, but after the New Year -10 days of prayer meetings. We have a prayer program for every day. We pray that The Lord helped us in this matter.

3.Preparations for the holidays:

- Our youth, children and our choir are preparing intensely for the holiday of Christmas, which we will celebrate on January 7th. We have already been invited by people to come to them on this day to announce to them the good news of the Birth of the Messiah Jesus Christ. We have prepared calendars and other things for all people Christian literature. And let us invite these people to church for our ministry. We pray for this work of the Lord.


-I thank God for the fact that He always cares about us, even in this difficult time of pandemic. For the fact that He strengthens our church and our families and protects us, Praise the Lord!

-Thanks to God for the fact that it gives me health to work in His Field.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray further, dear brothers and sisters, for Ukraine to end the war.

-To stop the Pandemic for both you and us.

-So that the Lord will continue to keep from Covid so that we can still work in God's Vineyard.

We also pray for you and for your families that the Lord will bless you and keep you from Covid. Once again we wish you a Merry Christmas! Bless you!

With love to you, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Blessing of the child


Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the United States with the love of our Jesus Christ, and we also wish you all a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!

I thank God for His mercy and care for us, and this month, in the ministry in His Field.

1.Bread breaking:

-On the first Sunday of this month, they made a breaking of bread in the church and visited 3 sick people, also with the breaking of bread. They were very happy that they could participate, together with the church, at Holy Communion.

2. Blessing the children.

-On the same Sunday, we blessed the fifth child of our children, Alena and Tolik, daughter Agatka-11, our granddaughter, Thank God! The blessing was made by brother Grisha Gogoman, senior presbyter from the Rokitnoe church. He is also the father of my wife Nadia, and my father-in-law The youth and children had a special program for this family. They prayed and handed in the hands of the Lord a little Agatka so that the Lord would bless her with health and everything that is needed for growth, both carnal and spiritual. They also prayed for the family of Alena and Tolik, so that they would be exemplary parents for their children and that the Lord bless them with wisdom and health.

3.Service in the church:

-In our church we have 2 services every Sunday, morning and afternoon. Every Monday we have 1 hour of prayer and every Tuesday young people have the Word of the Word, and every Saturday young families have the analysis of the Word of God. Thank God for everything.

-Now, because of this Pandemic, we do not visit other churches as we did before. We hope that the Lord will give us more favorable times and we will still do massive Evangelizations and will still visit other churches.


-Thankful to God for blessing our church, for our youth and children who glorify the Lord at the service on Sunday, always rehearse songs and make programs, especially now when the holidays of Christmas and New Year are approaching. They will bring to people from the village the good news of the Nativity of the Messiah We have already purchased calendars and Christian literature as a gift for every family in the village. May the Lord bless them in this matter.

-Thank God for you brothers and sisters from the USA for being our partners in ministry with us in Ukraine.

-Thank God for protecting our church until now from the Pandemic, as well as my family, Thank God!

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for our church and my family, to keep us safe from this epidemic, so that we can serve with full dedication to the Lord.

-For social projects that our church plans to do. We want to again visit homes for the elderly and sick people in the village of Cheresh, and in the village of Petrachanki. For the Lord to help us in this matter. We are already collecting clothes and shoes for them, and food packages.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

-To stop the Covid 19 Pandemic around the world.

We, too, pray for you brothers and sisters, and wish all your families the abundant blessings of God! Say hello from my family to the Dornbos family Bill and Sherine.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.

Preparing for the Christmas Eve


Peace of God, dear brothers and sisters from the USA!

Thank God for helping me to work in His Field!

1.Bread breaking:

-With God's help, they conducted the Breaking of Bread and visited 3 sick people with the Breaking of Bread. They rejoiced with me for the fact that they, too, were able to take part in this Holy Communion.

2.Study Word:

- We are very glad that our youth study the Word of God 2 times a week. They are preparing worship programs. Especially now they are preparing for the winter holidays Christmas and New Year. Our choir is also preparing hard for such evangelizations. Young people will distribute Christian calendars to their homes and tell people about love Christ's. We pray that the Lord will bless this work.

3.Children's ministry:

-Also we have 2 groups of children's circles. Thank God that they glorify the Lord with chants and verses almost every Sunday. They also study the Word of God with our leaders. We pray for our church that the Lord will save everyone from the epidemic of Covid 19 and that the love of the Lord will increase more and more in our hearts.


-Thanks to God for protecting and blessing us.

-Thank God for you, brothers and sisters from the USA. For always helping us and praying for our work in God's Vineyard in Ukraine.

-We prayed for Brother Robert Cooke from Michigan and thank God that the heart surgery was successful. May God bless him and his family further.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord bless our village of Dynivtsi and our church, so that the Lord will save us from the Pandemic.

-Pray for the war in Ukraine to end.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA that God bless you all and also save you from the Covid 19 epidemic. Bless you!

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.