Glory to God for His immeasurable love for us sinners

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love of Jesus Christ and with the Bright Feast of the Resurrection of Christ - Christ is Risen!

1. I praise God for helping me this month to work in the Field of God. With God's help, we organized 2 evangelistic meetings for the Easter Feast. The first day and the second day.

On the first day of Easter, young people, our choir and children glorified the Lord through chants and verses to the Glory of Jesus Christ the Risen. With the same program we went on the second day (Monday) to the church in the village of Marshentsi and glorified our Lord there too. Thank God that we were and the unbelievers who listened to the Word. We pray for them.


Also, on the third day of this glorious holiday, the whole church visited sick and lonely people, proclaiming to them the message of salvation through the suffering and blood of Jesus Christ, which cleanses us from all sin - Glory to God for His immeasurable love for us sinners.

Our youth distributed Christian literature to non-believers.

2. Bread breaking.

On the Thursday before the feast of Resurrection, we, together with the church, made the Breaking of Bread, recalling the sufferings of Jesus Christ from the Garden of Gethsemane, Calvary and the crucifixion. We recalled how Jesus Christ together with His disciples, on Holy Thursday, performed the Holy Sacrament - the Breaking of Bread. I also visited one sick brother with the breaking of bread, Dmitry, he is 90 years old. He was very happy that we do not forget about him and he can, together with the church, remember the sufferings of Christ through the breaking of bread.


-I am very grateful to the Lord for you, our dear partners and brothers in Christ, for the fact that you support us in your prayers before the Lord and help us serve here with your material means. May the Lord bless your sacrifice and return you a hundredfold blessings.

-Thank the Lord for protecting our church from Pandemic and also my family.

-Thank God for the youth, for the children, for our choir who work hard in God's Vineyard, as well as for our elderly church members who support our church in their prayers.


4. Prayer Needs

-Pray, together with us, that the Lord will not allow war in our country and stop the war in 2 regions - Lugansk and Donetsk.

-Pray for those unbelievers who have heard the message of salvation through our sermons and glorification of young people, so that the Lord will touch their hearts.

-Pray that the Lord will continue to protect us and our church from the Covid 19 Pandemic.

We also pray for you brothers and sisters, for your families and for your country. May the Lord bless you abundantly!

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.