Visiting a patient


I greet you with the love of Jesus Christ, dear brothers and sisters from the USA who are, together with us, the workers of the gospel of Christ here in Ukraine!

I am grateful to the Lord for the fact that this month He helped me to work in His Field.

1. Funeral

-At the end of the month of March, we had a funeral of our old resident sister (Pasha). She recently turned 99 years old. Our youth congratulated her (recently) on her birthday, and now God called her home. The Word was preached at the funeral. There were many people who listened attentively. The Word of God.

-Also went to the funeral in Rokitna, where the pastor of the church is our missionary brother Kioresko Gregory. There the old choir director brother Ilya died and the Word was also preached there in the Power of the Holy Spirit. We pray for those people who listened to the Gospel message so that God would test the hearts of they repented.

2.Bread breaking:

-At the beginning of the month of April, together with the church, they celebrated the breaking of bread. They remembered the suffering and death of our Savior Jesus Christ. Also visited 1 sick brother (b. Dmitry) at home and also together with him remembered the death and suffering of Jesus Christ through the Bread-breaking - Glory to God! Brother rejoiced with us glorifying the Lord for His precious love for us people.


3.Our youth, the children's group from Sunday school and our choir - we are all preparing for the evangelistic meetings that will be held on May 2 and 3. We are preparing invitation cards for people from the village to invite them to evangelism. We pray that the Lord bless this time for peace in Ukraine and so that everyone is healthy.


-Thank God always for you, our dear brothers and sisters, for helping us and supporting us in your prayers.

-Thank the Lord for giving me, my family and our church health and strength to work in His Field.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the people who heard the Word of God at the funeral, that the Lord would touch their hearts for repentance.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine. For the Lord to pacify those who are preparing to attack Ukraine with war. We only rely on God.

-To end the Pandemic all over the world, so that the children of God could work freely and preach the Word of Christ.

And we pray for you, dear brothers and sisters, that the Lord will protect all of you from Covid, give you all health and bless you all! We know that you had Easter on April 4, so we congratulate you on this Great Holiday: -Christ is Risen! Christ is Truly Risen !

With love, your brother in Christ Pascar Alex.