Blessed the baby


I greet you with the peace and love of Jesus Christ!

I thank the Lord for His love and grace for me and for the fact that He helps me to work in His Field.

1.Bread breaking:

-Together with our church, we had this month, on the first Sunday, the Holy Communion-Breaking of Bread, remembered the Suffering of Jesus Christ our Savior. We also visited 2 patients with Bread-breaking in their homes, where they thanked the Lord for having such an opportunity, together with the church, to remember the death and suffering of Christ.

2.Blessing of little Timothy:

-14 March we, together with the church, we had a holiday in the church. The family of our choir directors, Leonid and Irina Paskar, came for the blessing of the child, with little Timofey. These are their 6 children and Leonid is my brother. The youth and a group of children prepared a wonderful program for this family and we, together with the church, prayed over the little boy Timothy so that the Lord would bless him abundantly with health and correct development and, most importantly, that he would be a child of God and seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness - the rest of the Lord will reward him.


3. Visits to patients:

-Visit, together with our youth, sister Pasha, she turned 99 years old. The youth sang and recited poems to her, and also read to her from the Word of God and prayed that the Lord would strengthen her faith and hope in the Lord.

-We also visited our mother, Maria, my mother Nadia, in the village of Rokitne. She is already 89 years old and she was very happy that we came to her. We praised the Lord and prayed together.

-With his wife Nadia we visited a sister, Antonia, who after the operation. She was very happy that the children of God did not forget about her. Together they prayed and praised God.

4. Meeting our missionaries:

On March 12, our missionaries, missions of PIEI Ukraine, had a meeting and even had a virtual meeting on the Internet with brother Cornel Stef. After talking with him we were very encouraged, because we missed our Romanian brothers from Romania and brothers from the USA. of this Pandemic, we met more often at different conferences and meetings. Groups from brothers and sisters from the USA came to us during Christian camps. We expressed great gratitude to brothers and sisters from the USA through Brother Cornel Steph, for your good partnership work with us, for your support that we have here from you, we always thank God for you and pray that God will bless all our partners in the Gospel from the USA, here in Ukraine.


-Thank the Lord for protecting our church from Pandemic and for now we can get together.

-Thank God, brothers and sisters from the USA, for supporting me here in the ministry through your prayers and material assistance.

-Thank God for our youth and children who gather to study the Word of God.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the Lord to keep us safe from this virus.

-In order for us to do, this summer, a children's Christian day camp in our church and for the Non Stop camp of our mission PIEI Ukraine, in Boyana, so that we can hold it with God's help.

-Pray for our church. We are looking for 2 candidates for the ministry of deacons in the church. For the Lord to show us whom to choose for this ministry.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

And we pray for you brothers and sisters from the USA, who will be a great blessing for us in our ministry here in Ukraine. We pray for you and bless you. May the Lord reward you a hundredfold! My family says hello to the Dornbos family to Sherina and Bill.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.