Blessing of the child


Greetings to you brothers and sisters from the United States with the love of our Jesus Christ, and we also wish you all a Happy Christmas and Happy New Year 2021!

I thank God for His mercy and care for us, and this month, in the ministry in His Field.

1.Bread breaking:

-On the first Sunday of this month, they made a breaking of bread in the church and visited 3 sick people, also with the breaking of bread. They were very happy that they could participate, together with the church, at Holy Communion.

2. Blessing the children.

-On the same Sunday, we blessed the fifth child of our children, Alena and Tolik, daughter Agatka-11, our granddaughter, Thank God! The blessing was made by brother Grisha Gogoman, senior presbyter from the Rokitnoe church. He is also the father of my wife Nadia, and my father-in-law The youth and children had a special program for this family. They prayed and handed in the hands of the Lord a little Agatka so that the Lord would bless her with health and everything that is needed for growth, both carnal and spiritual. They also prayed for the family of Alena and Tolik, so that they would be exemplary parents for their children and that the Lord bless them with wisdom and health.

3.Service in the church:

-In our church we have 2 services every Sunday, morning and afternoon. Every Monday we have 1 hour of prayer and every Tuesday young people have the Word of the Word, and every Saturday young families have the analysis of the Word of God. Thank God for everything.

-Now, because of this Pandemic, we do not visit other churches as we did before. We hope that the Lord will give us more favorable times and we will still do massive Evangelizations and will still visit other churches.


-Thankful to God for blessing our church, for our youth and children who glorify the Lord at the service on Sunday, always rehearse songs and make programs, especially now when the holidays of Christmas and New Year are approaching. They will bring to people from the village the good news of the Nativity of the Messiah We have already purchased calendars and Christian literature as a gift for every family in the village. May the Lord bless them in this matter.

-Thank God for you brothers and sisters from the USA for being our partners in ministry with us in Ukraine.

-Thank God for protecting our church until now from the Pandemic, as well as my family, Thank God!

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for our church and my family, to keep us safe from this epidemic, so that we can serve with full dedication to the Lord.

-For social projects that our church plans to do. We want to again visit homes for the elderly and sick people in the village of Cheresh, and in the village of Petrachanki. For the Lord to help us in this matter. We are already collecting clothes and shoes for them, and food packages.

-To end the war in Ukraine.

-To stop the Covid 19 Pandemic around the world.

We, too, pray for you brothers and sisters, and wish all your families the abundant blessings of God! Say hello from my family to the Dornbos family Bill and Sherine.

With love, your brother in Christ, Alex Pascar.