Humanitarian aid from different countries

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with grace - and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God for serving in His Field, He takes care of us every day.

1. I spent blessed days with the church when we gathered together for fellowship, for prayers and for other events. In recent weeks, almost every Sunday, there were guests from the USA and from Romania who came to Ukraine with humanitarian aid, and visit many churches. And we also had a Word of encouragement and comfort. Praise God for His Word in which we find all comfort and support in all situations.

2. Every Monday our brothers have prayer meetings, and every Thursday our sisters also meet for prayer. The main need for prayer is the difficult situation of the war in Ukraine. We go through this war and, as children of God who know the Word of God, we understand that only we need to turn to the Lord, call for help, and only expect deliverance from Him.

3. Together with brothers and sisters from the church, we visited many sick and elderly members of our church, where we had wonderful fellowship with them: we prayed, sang psalms and rejoiced in the Lord.

4. Thanksgiving:

-I praise and thank the Lord for the fact that we have brothers and sisters in the Lord everywhere who pray for our country and help with humanitarian aid.

-We thank the Lord for the fact that He hears our prayers and we can calmly gather for fellowship, for prayer and for other world events in our church.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray together with us for Ukraine. Because rockets are already flying into the Chernivtsi region. Power plants are blowing up. They want to deprive us of electricity.

- For us believers from Ukraine, so that we do not despair, but more so that we unite to pray for the difficult situation in Ukraine, because we understand from the Word of God that only God can change these circumstances and bring victory to Ukraine.

And to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, our PIEI mission partners, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and prayer for us. I wish the Lord to protect you every day. You are a great blessing and great support for us at this difficult time. Be blessed!

With love, the Gortopan family.


Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI Mission, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I always thank the Lord for you and pray that He will strengthen you in your ministry of expanding His Kingdom on Earth.

1. At the end of September we had a special day in the local church where we thanked God for the rich harvest, He blessed us this year. We thank our Lord for His every day care, for His love and for His mercy to us.

2. There was another joy in our church, the wedding of two young people and there were many unbelievers at this wedding. This event was a good opportunity to evangelize those who have not yet known the Lord.

3. Thanksgiving:

-We thank God for having had good opportunities to proclaim the Gospel.

-We thank God for the fact that we have peace and tranquillity in our places and we can gather for fellowship and prayer.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those who heard the Gospel, that the Lord would search them.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine, especially for places where there are battles, so that the Lord will protect our people and our defenders.

-Pray for me, so that the Lord strengthens me in the ministry here.

I am very grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for always being with us when we go through crises and problems. We wish you abundant God's blessings and that the Peace of God will always be with you.

With love, the Gortopan family.

Blessing of newborn

Dear brothers and sisters from the USA, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord for taking care of us every day and every moment of our lives.

1. I praise God for the fact that on one Sunday, at the end of the month of August, we had one guest brother from Romania in our church. He preached the Word of God and came to Ukraine with other brothers to work with our youth. They instructed them how to work with children who do not go to church. This organization is called “OAHA” and they work in other countries of the world.

2. We had a funeral of one elderly sister, 91 years old. I was glad that at this funeral there were many unbelievers who listened attentively to the Word of God.

3. A young family from our church brought their second child, who was recently born, for blessings. Together with the church, we prayed for this newborn girl and handed her over in the Hands of the Almighty God so that He would bless her.

4. For us ministers, the churches of the Chernivtsi region organized a two-day regional conference where there were brothers from Kyiv and from Romania. We received excellent instructions from 2 Corinthians 4:7-15. We received advice and instructions on how to carry us, the ministers of the church, ministry during the crisis and in the difficult time of the war.

5. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for helping us in the ministry for the migrants.

-I always thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for always encouraging us and supporting us in our ministry here, in this difficult time for us.

6. Prayer requests:

- Pray, together with us, for those places in Ukraine where heavy fighting is going on, so that the Lord would have mercy on our soldiers and protect them.

-So that the Lord strengthens us, the ministers of the church, that we have the wisdom to serve people with the right Word and at the right time.

-For all unbelieving people who have listened to the Word of God to be tested by that Word.

Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that in difficult circumstances and in our trials you are our support and help. Thank you for your financial support, for your prayers and encouragement. We wish the Lord to bless you and your families. We love you and we pray for you.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.

Candela camp

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I always pray for you and rejoice a lot that you are actively involved in the gospel of the Word of God in Ukraine.

1. The blessed gospel was at the beginning of August in the camp in Boyany, where there were many teenagers from our church along with their unbelieving friends. I am glad that children and teenagers come in large numbers to our Christian camps, where they can hear the Word of the Gospel. From our church, there were in the camp of our mission PIEI Ukraine “Candela”, several leaders who worked, together with other leaders, with children and teenagers from this camp - Thank God for the ministries of the leaders.

2. Also at the time when this camp was, 3 brothers from the USA and from England, led by brother Cornel Steph, had guests. Together with them, we visited the families of immigrants and believers, and non-believers. We talked with these people, proclaimed the Gospel to them, and gave them help with food so that they would have something to cook for their families. Also from this group of guest brothers, we talked with our fellow villagers whom we met along the way, or in the center of the village, where they also proclaimed the Gospel to them. Thank God for the brothers who visited us, we pray for all those people who heard the Word of God so that the Holy Spirit would work in their hearts so that they would understand everything that without Jesus Christ there is no salvation and there is no reconciliation with God the Father without Christ.

3. Thanksgiving:

-Thank the Lord that He heard our prayers for our camp from Boyany and God blessed the ministries and work of all teachers, leaders, brothers from the USA and other workers at the PIEI Ukraine mission camp, which was held in Boyany from August 1 to 6. The Lord with His Holy Spirit prompted many children to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ-Glory to God for everything!

-We also thank God for you all the brothers and sisters from the USA, for being a great support in sponsoring our Non Stop camp and in the work of serving the migrants who have been living among us since the beginning of the war.

-Thank God for the fact that it is still calm in our area and we have freedom of speech. We can freely preach the Word of God among people and tell them about the love of Christ, as well as help people who are in great need.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those who heard the Word of God in the camp and for those to whom we proclaim the Gospel so that the Lord would test their hearts so that they would repent.

-Pray for me and my family that our ministry before God will be with love and from the bottom of our hearts.

-Pray for the Church of Christ to serve with love in this difficult time of the war in support of the settlers who live among us.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts to you brothers and sisters from the USA for the fact that in this difficult time for us you were support and support both in sponsoring our camp and in serving the settlers. We wish you clear blessings from God and may the Lord's Hand protect you from all evil.

With Love to you, the Gortopan family.

Day camp for children

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise our Lord for taking care of us and helping us in all church activities.

1. Day camp for children:

-One of the main ministries in our church was a five-day children's Christian camp. In this camp, our entire church was affected in ministry. There were teachers who taught the necessary Bible lessons, other leaders did sports and games with the children, and other young sisters prepared dinners. Older sisters and brothers supported this service in prayers. Before lunch, they held classes with children, and in the afternoon they held classes with teenagers. Every day, from 80 to 100 children came. There were fewer teenagers - 40 teenagers.

Our church supported this ministry financially by collecting a sufficient amount of money - Praise God!

2. Evangelism:

-On Sunday in our church there was an evangelization with one preacher from Romania. At this evangelization there were many unbelievers who listened attentively to the Word of God. We pray for them.

3. Thanksgiving:

-We are grateful to God for the fact that in our camp there were many children and teenagers who heard the Word of God.

-We always thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, who serve with us here in Ukraine.

-We thank the Lord for a peaceful sky over our Bukovina and we can safely serve here both the settlers and all people in need.

-Thank you for praying for our camp and for peace in this time of war.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for all the people who have heard the Word of the Gospel these days: for the children and teenagers who visited our day camp, for the people who attended our evangelistic meeting and for the settlers from our village whom we visit, that the Word of God would touch their hearts.

-Pray for me that the Lord would always give me the Power of the Holy Spirit so that I would always have the right Word for the gospel.

-Pray for an end to the war in Ukraine.

We thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a great support for us, especially in serving with the migrants. We wish you clear blessings from the Lord and that God's Almighty hand will always accompany you.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.