Candela camp

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I always pray for you and rejoice a lot that you are actively involved in the gospel of the Word of God in Ukraine.

1. The blessed gospel was at the beginning of August in the camp in Boyany, where there were many teenagers from our church along with their unbelieving friends. I am glad that children and teenagers come in large numbers to our Christian camps, where they can hear the Word of the Gospel. From our church, there were in the camp of our mission PIEI Ukraine “Candela”, several leaders who worked, together with other leaders, with children and teenagers from this camp - Thank God for the ministries of the leaders.

2. Also at the time when this camp was, 3 brothers from the USA and from England, led by brother Cornel Steph, had guests. Together with them, we visited the families of immigrants and believers, and non-believers. We talked with these people, proclaimed the Gospel to them, and gave them help with food so that they would have something to cook for their families. Also from this group of guest brothers, we talked with our fellow villagers whom we met along the way, or in the center of the village, where they also proclaimed the Gospel to them. Thank God for the brothers who visited us, we pray for all those people who heard the Word of God so that the Holy Spirit would work in their hearts so that they would understand everything that without Jesus Christ there is no salvation and there is no reconciliation with God the Father without Christ.

3. Thanksgiving:

-Thank the Lord that He heard our prayers for our camp from Boyany and God blessed the ministries and work of all teachers, leaders, brothers from the USA and other workers at the PIEI Ukraine mission camp, which was held in Boyany from August 1 to 6. The Lord with His Holy Spirit prompted many children to be reconciled to God through Jesus Christ-Glory to God for everything!

-We also thank God for you all the brothers and sisters from the USA, for being a great support in sponsoring our Non Stop camp and in the work of serving the migrants who have been living among us since the beginning of the war.

-Thank God for the fact that it is still calm in our area and we have freedom of speech. We can freely preach the Word of God among people and tell them about the love of Christ, as well as help people who are in great need.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those who heard the Word of God in the camp and for those to whom we proclaim the Gospel so that the Lord would test their hearts so that they would repent.

-Pray for me and my family that our ministry before God will be with love and from the bottom of our hearts.

-Pray for the Church of Christ to serve with love in this difficult time of the war in support of the settlers who live among us.

Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts to you brothers and sisters from the USA for the fact that in this difficult time for us you were support and support both in sponsoring our camp and in serving the settlers. We wish you clear blessings from God and may the Lord's Hand protect you from all evil.

With Love to you, the Gortopan family.