
Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI Mission, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I always thank the Lord for you and pray that He will strengthen you in your ministry of expanding His Kingdom on Earth.

1. At the end of September we had a special day in the local church where we thanked God for the rich harvest, He blessed us this year. We thank our Lord for His every day care, for His love and for His mercy to us.

2. There was another joy in our church, the wedding of two young people and there were many unbelievers at this wedding. This event was a good opportunity to evangelize those who have not yet known the Lord.

3. Thanksgiving:

-We thank God for having had good opportunities to proclaim the Gospel.

-We thank God for the fact that we have peace and tranquillity in our places and we can gather for fellowship and prayer.

4. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those who heard the Gospel, that the Lord would search them.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine, especially for places where there are battles, so that the Lord will protect our people and our defenders.

-Pray for me, so that the Lord strengthens me in the ministry here.

I am very grateful to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for always being with us when we go through crises and problems. We wish you abundant God's blessings and that the Peace of God will always be with you.

With love, the Gortopan family.