Humanitarian aid from different countries

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with grace - and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God for serving in His Field, He takes care of us every day.

1. I spent blessed days with the church when we gathered together for fellowship, for prayers and for other events. In recent weeks, almost every Sunday, there were guests from the USA and from Romania who came to Ukraine with humanitarian aid, and visit many churches. And we also had a Word of encouragement and comfort. Praise God for His Word in which we find all comfort and support in all situations.

2. Every Monday our brothers have prayer meetings, and every Thursday our sisters also meet for prayer. The main need for prayer is the difficult situation of the war in Ukraine. We go through this war and, as children of God who know the Word of God, we understand that only we need to turn to the Lord, call for help, and only expect deliverance from Him.

3. Together with brothers and sisters from the church, we visited many sick and elderly members of our church, where we had wonderful fellowship with them: we prayed, sang psalms and rejoiced in the Lord.

4. Thanksgiving:

-I praise and thank the Lord for the fact that we have brothers and sisters in the Lord everywhere who pray for our country and help with humanitarian aid.

-We thank the Lord for the fact that He hears our prayers and we can calmly gather for fellowship, for prayer and for other world events in our church.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray together with us for Ukraine. Because rockets are already flying into the Chernivtsi region. Power plants are blowing up. They want to deprive us of electricity.

- For us believers from Ukraine, so that we do not despair, but more so that we unite to pray for the difficult situation in Ukraine, because we understand from the Word of God that only God can change these circumstances and bring victory to Ukraine.

And to you, brothers and sisters from the USA, our PIEI mission partners, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your support and prayer for us. I wish the Lord to protect you every day. You are a great blessing and great support for us at this difficult time. Be blessed!

With love, the Gortopan family.