A national children's meeting

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise God, because even in this difficult, crisis time for us, the Lord is on our side, He is with us and takes care of us every day. Despite the difficult times in our country, there is no electricity 3-4 times a day, but for us it is a blessing that we gather together in the House of God for fellowship and prayer. We appreciate these wonderful moments very much, because many of our brothers and sisters in Christ from our country do not have such an opportunity because of the war.

1. At the beginning of the month of November, our sisters had a conference in Chernivtsi on the topic "Peace in Time of War". Our sisters who were at this conference came encouraged and grateful to God for the wonderful lessons from the Holy Scriptures and for fellowship and prayer. These sisters, who were at the conference, called on our sisters from the church, so that they all together would rally even more to pray for peace in Ukraine - Peace that only the Lord can give.

2. A national children's meeting from Romanian churches was organized in our church. The children were given classes by a well-trained team of leaders from Romania. They had a blessed time, wonderful lessons from the Scriptures, and interesting games.

3. When I have the opportunity, I lovingly help small churches. This month I was at a funeral in the village of Kotilevo, where brother Igor Dzyadik ministers, and there I preached the Word to many unbelieving people.

4. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for the fact that in our area it is calm and we are protected by God. Therefore, we can also help the migrants who live among us.

-I am very grateful to God that we have you, brothers and sisters from the USA, who are a great support and help for us. Special thanks to Sister Martha Hauck, who was with us this summer, for her financial help. My wife shared this money with our grandson Maxim and with her daughter and son-in-law, whose salaries do not exceed $100 for each. Our whole family wishes Sister Martha blessings from God from the word from 2 Corinthians 9:10-14. We want her to know that she made us want to pray even more for her, for the teams from the USA that visited us this summer and for all our partners to the gospel from the PIEI America mission.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for our country, which is going through very difficult times.

-Pray for the spiritual growth of our church.

-Pray for me and my family so that the Lord will strengthen us to serve in His Field.

-Thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, who work with us in God's Vineyard, and who support us financially and are a great blessing to us. May the Lord bless you and take care of you every day of your life.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.