Chistmas Eve

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God that through His mercy and grace we have survived until the end of 2022, a year full of problems, war, and experience. But the Lord is merciful and took care of His children every day - Glory to Him for everything!

1. At the beginning of the month, we performed a funeral, where there were many relatives and friends of the deceased, from unbelievers, and who listened attentively to the Word of God. We praise God for the fact that this funeral also served for people to hear the Word, hymns to the glory of the Lord, and we pray for those people, unbelievers who heard the Word, so that the Lord would test their hearts, so that they would repent.

2. This year we celebrated the feast of the Nativity of Christ on December 25th. We had a blessed program in the church where everyone, especially children, youth and our choir, had the opportunity to glorify our Lord Jesus Christ for His birth on our earth, for His love for us, people, to take on all the sins of this world and to save all mankind from destruction and from hell.

-Together with us, almost all the migrants who live in our village came to this holiday, as well as non-believers from the village. We also pray for these people.

3. Our family has prepared gifts for migrants and for those in need from our village. We have prepared packages of groceries and other essentials for these people. They were very happy and praised God for being merciful to them.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We always thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that through your help that you give us, you are the cause of many thanks and glorifications for God.

-Thank God for the fact that in our area is still calm and peace is maintained. Thank God that our region is not bombed as enemies in the regions from the South, North and East of Ukraine do. And we can freely proclaim the Word of God to the people.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those unbelieving people who have heard the Word of God this month.

-Keep praying for the long-awaited peace in Ukraine and the end of the war.

-For me and my family, so that the Lord gives us health, jealousy and love in the service of the Lord.

At the end of this year, we are sincerely grateful to you, our partner from the USA, who serve in the Field of God with us. This year has been a difficult year for us, but you have been a great comfort, encouragement and great support for us. Special thanks to the teams that, led by brother Cornel Stef, had great courage to come to Ukraine in the context of difficulties and war. Thank you for your support, for humanitarian aid, for your prayers and for being with us in these difficult circumstances for us.

Now times have come even more difficult, when we are not given sufficient electricity and heating, but we hope in the Lord that He will continue to take care of us, as He has taken care of us until now.

I, along with my family, wholeheartedly wish you a Happy New Year with many blessings from the Lord.

With love, the Gortopan family.