Visiting settlers

Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! In all our prayers to God, we remember you with joy and pray for you that you participate, together with us, in the gospel of the Gospel here in Ukraine.

1. This month, I, along with a team that came from the USA, sisters Martha, Elizabeth and Sarah, visited several families from immigrants who live in our village. We had a conversation with them and each migrant told his story of wandering during this war, painful and difficult stories, from which we cried with these people. People left everything: their houses, and some of them had no houses left due to the Russian bombing, and fled from the war in our area, where it is calm, in order to save their lives. After our conversations with them, and we told them about the love of Christ for all people, gave them each a book of the New Testament to read, invited them to our meetings, and their children to our Christian day camp, and then we gave everyone a package with those that we received from the brothers and sisters from Romania. These settlers were very happy and praised God that He does not forget about their needs through good people. We promised them that we would continue to help with food, and they promised us that they would contact us to us, to faith for help when they need it. We are grateful to God for being able to comfort and help unfortunate people, and we also pray for them to accept Christ in their hearts.

2. Then, in the afternoon, Sisters Sarah Steph and Sister Elizabeth had a special program with our children from the Sunday School, in the premises of our church. There were different games and they were told about Jesus Christ from the program "Bible without Words." There were also several children from the settlers whom we invited in the morning, during visits to their families. Especially one boy from them was very active and boldly answered questions from Sarah. They said that they would come to our camp, which we will hold from 11 to 16 July, also in the premises of our church. We also pray for these children.

3. This week we also had the funeral of one woman who recently repented. There were 2 pre-funeral services, and at the funeral, many unbelievers who had the opportunity to hear the Word of God. We are now living in difficult times, during the war and I am glad when I see that people are willing to listen and attentively listen to the Word of God.


-I am grateful to the Lord for helping us, together with a team from the USA, to spend a blessed time where the Name of God was glorified.

-Thank God for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you, at this difficult time for Ukraine, help and care for the displaced people who live among us. This is a great help for us to proclaim the Word of God among the displaced people, and also among people who live in poverty because of their illnesses.

-I thank the Lord for the fact that we have the opportunity to freely proclaim the Word of God to people.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for those people who listened to the Word so that the Lord would test their hearts for repentance.

-For our children's Christian camp which will be from 11 to 16 July.

-For the Non Stop youth camp, which will be held from August 1 to 6 in Boyany. So that the Lord protects all children and leaders, all teachers. So that the Lord protects the team from the USA that will come to us. there were bombings in Bukovina. We believe that the Lord will protect us all from everything bad.

-For me and my family, so that the Lord would support us spiritually, so that we would work for His Glory.

We are very grateful to you for everything that you do for us and for the fact that by doing this you help us in serving for God here. We pray for you that the Lord bless you and return you a hundredfold blessings for your families, your churches and for your country where you live. My family sends their heartfelt greetings to you in the Name of Jesus.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.

Baptism in our church

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am always grateful to God for you and pray for you so that the Lord will strengthen and support you in your work in His Field.

1. Together with the church, we continue to give the necessary assistance to our refugees in our village. There are also families who live very poorly and need our help. We try to always be aware of their needs.

2. At the beginning of the month of June, we had a baptism in our church. We organized a big holiday and a festive service, where the relatives of the unbelievers of those candidates who were baptized were also present. Thank God, we pray for all the people who visited us that day, that the Lord would touch the hearts of the unbelievers of people.

3. 2 more festive services were held on the feast of the Ascension of our Lord and on the Day of the Trinity - the Descent of the Holy Spirit on earth and the creation of the Church of Christ. At these services, the church, both old and young, glorified God and His Son Jesus Christ, for the great feat of the Salvation of Mankind from the yoke of sin, for the birth of the Church of Christ, where we are among them - Glory to God!

4. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for a calm and blessed time where we were able, during these holidays, to preach the Word of the Gospel to people.

-Also, I always thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you are a great help for us and for ministry in Ukraine.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for those who have received baptism so that the Lord strengthens them spiritually.

-For the younger generation, so that the Lord would give them zeal and love for God, as well as the desire to study His Word.

- For me and my family. For our son Sergei to rehabilitate his hand after a big injury.

- For the Lord to help us, so that this war would end, let there be peace.

Thank you brothers and sisters for always taking care of us through your help and your prayers.

My family sends you Christian greetings.

With love, the Gortopan family.

Worshiping God with refugees

Dear PIEI brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord for taking care of us wonderfully and helping us in all the affairs of our church.

1. On every Sunday we have a service in our church together with our brothers and sisters refugees who live among us. Among them there are preachers and singers and together we rejoice and glorify our Lord Jesus Christ.

2. This month we started Bible studies for candidates who want to enter into union with Christ through water baptism.

3. We, the ministers of our church, help other small churches because some pastors are absent there and there is no one to conduct services there in these churches.

4. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for the fact that in our area we can freely proclaim the Word of God.

-Thank God for the fact that unbelieving people also come to our services in the church.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for the candidates who will be baptized this summer.

-Pray that the war in Ukraine will end and peace will finally come.

-Pray for me that the Lord would strengthen my health and spiritually so that I could preach the Gospel in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are grateful to you and always pray for you. You are a support for us and a great help in serving here in Ukraine, especially at this difficult time for us. May the Lord give you a hundredfold blessings and all help in your ministry for God.

With great love for you, the Gortopan family.

Escape from Irpin and torments

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God for the fact that He is a God of love and loves us with His eternal love.

1. Services of worship and glorification of God are regularly held in our church, together with believing refugees who have taken refuge from the war in our village. Our church choir, youth and children glorify God through singing, and sermons are translated into Ukrainian so that everyone would understand the Word of God .

2. Two weeks ago, an elderly believing family from the town of Irpin, Kyiv region, arrived in our village of Tarasovtsi, brother George and sister Valentina. George was our fellow villager and lived with his family in the city of Irpen. He is already 89 years old. We visited them with the breaking of bread and rejoiced together around the Word of God. They testified to us about their torment in Irpen during these months of the war. How they lived without light, without heat, without gas and without water. How shells flew over their house. How all the houses around them turned into ruins, only the mercy of God saved them, glory God! The elderly and the sick cooked food in the garage on a homemade brick stove. They lit a fire and prepared something to eat. And the Lord miraculously saved them and they were able to evacuate to us in safety. We prayed together and thanked the Lord for the miraculous salvation and also entrusted this family in the hands of God.

3. On April 24, our church celebrated the Feast of Easter - the Resurrection of Christ. Two days in a row we had festive services to the glory of Christ crucified for us, and on the third day He rose from the dead - Glory to Him! He trampled down death with His death and gave us eternal life in Christ! Our youth, choir and children had an excellent program of Praise of Christ prepared and together with the church rejoiced and glorified the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We thank God for giving peace and tranquility in our area and we will be able to help those who need this help.

-We thank God for your help that comes to us from brothers from Romania, from the USA and from other countries.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the refugees who are among us. There are those who have gone through great suffering, are very stressed and have health problems. We pray for them and help in any way we can and financially, but there is a need to help them spiritually. Pray and speak them from Holy Scripture.

-Pray that the war in the South East of Ukraine will end. There are terrible battles. But we believe that the Lord will defeat all this evil.

-Pray for us too so that the Lord will help us to be with open hearts for all who need our help, so that we always lend a helping hand to people and that we work as for the Lord, so that the Name of the Lord would be glorified among these people.

For us, brothers and sisters from the USA and from the PIEI organization, you are a blessing, help and support - Thank God for you! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you blessings from our Lord. May it never be far from you and always the blessings of God have been with you and over you. We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.

Evangelization for kids

Dear brothers and sisters of PIEI, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

I praise the Lord for the fact that even in difficult moments of our lives, He is always with us and helps in everything.

1.Together with the church, we help refugees in whatever way we can. Our members of the church accepted refugees, both believers and unbelievers, in their homes. It is good that even these unbelieving refugees come to worship at our prayer house and pray, together with us, to God. We try to translate the sermons in their language through an interpreter so that they understand the Word of God. We also help them with groceries.

2. We also had brothers from Romania from the PIEI Romania mission, mission director brother Timothei Stanea and brother Mike Dima with whom we had good communication. They brought us humanitarian aid for refugees, and we told them about our ministry here among the refugees in this time of war.

3. In our church, we held a children's evangelism. Each of the children who go to our Sunday school called their friends or classmates to this evangelism. Refugee children also came to the evangelization. There were about 50 children. The Word of God was taught according to their concepts, there were also different games for them and at the end they each received a gift.


- Many thanks to you, brothers and sisters from the USA who take care of the needs of Ukraine in this difficult time. You are the help we need.

-Thank God for the fact that in this time of war we have this privilege to proclaim the gospel.

Prayer Needs:

-Let's pray together for our country, especially for those places from the East and North of the country where there are heavy battles.

-For those who hear the Word of God at this time, so that they repent.

-For me and our church, so that the Lord gives us wisdom on how to behave in this difficult moment.

We are grateful to you, dear brothers and sisters, that you are a necessary help for us when we go through suffering and problems. And we pray for you and love you with the love of our Lord Jesus Christ.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.