Baptism in our church

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I am always grateful to God for you and pray for you so that the Lord will strengthen and support you in your work in His Field.

1. Together with the church, we continue to give the necessary assistance to our refugees in our village. There are also families who live very poorly and need our help. We try to always be aware of their needs.

2. At the beginning of the month of June, we had a baptism in our church. We organized a big holiday and a festive service, where the relatives of the unbelievers of those candidates who were baptized were also present. Thank God, we pray for all the people who visited us that day, that the Lord would touch the hearts of the unbelievers of people.

3. 2 more festive services were held on the feast of the Ascension of our Lord and on the Day of the Trinity - the Descent of the Holy Spirit on earth and the creation of the Church of Christ. At these services, the church, both old and young, glorified God and His Son Jesus Christ, for the great feat of the Salvation of Mankind from the yoke of sin, for the birth of the Church of Christ, where we are among them - Glory to God!

4. Thanksgiving:

-I thank the Lord for a calm and blessed time where we were able, during these holidays, to preach the Word of the Gospel to people.

-Also, I always thank the Lord for you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for the fact that you are a great help for us and for ministry in Ukraine.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us for those who have received baptism so that the Lord strengthens them spiritually.

-For the younger generation, so that the Lord would give them zeal and love for God, as well as the desire to study His Word.

- For me and my family. For our son Sergei to rehabilitate his hand after a big injury.

- For the Lord to help us, so that this war would end, let there be peace.

Thank you brothers and sisters for always taking care of us through your help and your prayers.

My family sends you Christian greetings.

With love, the Gortopan family.