Ministry for refugees

Hearty greetings from the Gortopan family!

Greetings in the love of Jesus Christ to all of Steph's family and to all of the brothers and sisters of PIEI America.

Thank you for praying and supporting us in this difficult test that our country Ukraine is going through.

Although in our area you don’t hear the terrible sounds of bombs that bombard the big cities of Ukraine, and thank God that at least it’s quiet here and we can help refugees who come to us more and more every day. In our area where they live safely and have shelter from terrible bombs and bullets.

On Sunday 02.27 we had two families from Luhansk who testified about the ministry they have in their churches. One brother is the pastor of the church, and the other brother is responsible for the rehabilitation center from Luhansk. Two days later they left their families in the care of our church and these brothers went back to serve there for the Lord.

Refugees also came and our church members took them into their homes. A good example is one family from our church, Mihai Bukatovich and Dora, who are now visiting children in the USA (Chicago), and they provided their home for refugees. They have a big house and fit 18 people from refugees. Our church provides them with food and other supplies.

All members of the church buy food and bring it to the church, and from there we distribute it where necessary. We have volunteer brothers who serve specifically in this area.

I always thank God for the wonderful work that is being done through our brothers and sisters of our church.

Thank you also, brothers and sisters, for your financial support. Keep praying for us. And we love you and pray for you.

With love to you brother Gortopan Mihai.

Evangelistic service in the kindergarten

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ. I magnify God because He takes care of us every day in His works.

1. We spent a blessed time with the church when we gathered together for fellowship, prayer and other ministries for the Lord. We spent many times special prayers for peace in Ukraine.

2. This month we made a special donation which was sent to Kyiv to support God's ministry throughout Ukraine.

3. Conducted an evangelistic service in the kindergarten, where the Word of God was presented to children in an accessible and understandable way for small children. At the end of the program, each child received a gift from us.

On February 14, we had a meeting with the missionaries of the PIEI Ukraine mission, where we met in ZOOME with the family of Popa Rodik and Alex. I am very grateful to God and to them for this meeting, because they encouraged us a lot through this communication with them. We prayed together for peace in Ukraine.


-I thank the Lord for His preached Word this month.

-I am very grateful to God and for you, our evangelistic partners, brothers and sisters from the USA, because through your financial help and support in prayers you are a good support for ministry here in Ukraine.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those patients who go through pandemics, that they have a mild form of the disease, that they are cured and come to church.

-Pray for peace in Ukraine.

-Pray for me and my family so that the Lord keeps us healthy both physically and spiritually.

- To you, dear brothers and sisters from the United States, we sincerely thank you for taking such wonderful care of us and wish you all God's abundant blessings.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.

The Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ

Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI organization, together with our family, we greet you with the peace and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ! In our prayers, we always pray for you with joy for being partners with us in the ministry here in Ukraine to spread the Gospel. You are a great blessing, help and support for us. We always glorify and thank the Lord for you and for your families, for your churches and for your country.

1. In the last week of 2021, we had a week of prayer (prayer on the topic) in the House of God every day. On the last day of the year, we spent in prayer and met the New Year 2022 in prayer, together with our church - Thank God for this!

2. We celebrated the Nativity of our Lord Jesus Christ - a holiday where our children, teenagers, youth and our choir had special programs of worship. Our youth went to the houses of the people of our village in the evening and announced to people the joyful news of the birth of the Messiah Lord Jesus Christ.

3. In the same month, together with a group from the church, we visited all the sick and brought them good news in their homes through the Word of God and through singing.

4. Thanksgiving:

-I praise God for having had a good opportunity to preach the Word.

-Thank the Lord for your support and your prayers for us. We feel this and are grateful to God.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those people who listened to the Word of the Gospel, that the Lord would touch their hearts.

-For the Lord to protect us from the pandemic, because again it is raging in our area.

-For peace in Ukraine.

Once again, thank you, brothers and sisters from the USA, for your prayers and for your material support. And we pray for you and entrust you in the hands of Almighty God. May the Lord give you health, protect you from all evil and bless your families With your wonderful blessings. With love to you, the Gortopan family.

Feast of the Nativity of my King

Dear brothers and sisters, we welcome you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I praise God for helping us reach the last days of 2021, where we felt the Lord's support in both trials and blessings.

1. The month of December is a month in which people give gifts to each other and for this reason we have made a special help, social, for the needy from our village. It was a good gesture on our part. We congratulated them on the holy holiday of Christmas and spoke to them from the Word of God.

2. For our church we got many Christian calendars for 2022, and we distributed them to the families of non-believers from our village, neighbors, friends, in the village council and in other places where it was needed.

3. We celebrated Christmas on December 25, a festive program. For children from Sunday school and even for children invited from the village, we prepared an evangelization on the theme: "Feast of the Nativity of my King", where the Word of God was presented in their meaning and at the end all children received a gift from our church.


-We are very grateful to the Lord for the fact that we can gather for services with the church, and for the freedom of the Word of God in our country.

-Thank God and for you, dear brothers and sisters from the United States, for supporting us financially this year, and in your prayers for us, for encouraging us with comforting words.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the children of our church so that they will be a good example for unbelieving children from our village.

-On the unity of our church.

-For me and my family, that the Lord may strengthen us in ministry and trials, and that he will take care of us throughout the year 2022.

Thank you again for being with us throughout the year 2021. We wish you this year 2022, much joy and peace from our Savior Jesus Christ!

The Gortopan family is in love with you.

Blessing of the child

Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI America mission, we greet you with grace and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ!

We are grateful to God for you and pray that the Lord will strengthen you in the ministry that you carry in God's field.

1. We value these blessed times for the church very dearly when we have such an opportunity to get together for fellowship, when we have ministries of prayer to worship God, rehearsals and preparation for a worship service, children's and youth ministry, analysis of the Word of God where we are all spiritually edified together.

2. Together with the church, we made a special social fundraiser for the construction of one House of Prayer from Ukraine. We also collected financial assistance for one blind brother who turned to us for help.

3. There was also a blessing of the child. A young family brought their daughter Emmanuel before the Lord and we prayed for her together with our church.

4. Thanks:

-Thank the Lord for the freedom of the Word of God in our area.

-Thank God for the prayers He heard.

5. Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us for our church that the Lord will protect it from strife and false teachings.

-Pray for those unbelievers who have heard the Word of God.

-For me and my family so that the Lord would help us, so that we would be a good example for the people around us in behavior, in words, in love, in faith and in holiness.

We are very grateful to you that you are co-workers with God and with us.

We congratulate you on the Feast of the Nativity of Christ and wish you a Blessed Feast, peace, health, and many more blessings from the Lord God!

With love, the Hortopan family!