Feast of the Nativity of my King

Dear brothers and sisters, we welcome you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and I praise God for helping us reach the last days of 2021, where we felt the Lord's support in both trials and blessings.

1. The month of December is a month in which people give gifts to each other and for this reason we have made a special help, social, for the needy from our village. It was a good gesture on our part. We congratulated them on the holy holiday of Christmas and spoke to them from the Word of God.

2. For our church we got many Christian calendars for 2022, and we distributed them to the families of non-believers from our village, neighbors, friends, in the village council and in other places where it was needed.

3. We celebrated Christmas on December 25, a festive program. For children from Sunday school and even for children invited from the village, we prepared an evangelization on the theme: "Feast of the Nativity of my King", where the Word of God was presented in their meaning and at the end all children received a gift from our church.


-We are very grateful to the Lord for the fact that we can gather for services with the church, and for the freedom of the Word of God in our country.

-Thank God and for you, dear brothers and sisters from the United States, for supporting us financially this year, and in your prayers for us, for encouraging us with comforting words.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the children of our church so that they will be a good example for unbelieving children from our village.

-On the unity of our church.

-For me and my family, that the Lord may strengthen us in ministry and trials, and that he will take care of us throughout the year 2022.

Thank you again for being with us throughout the year 2021. We wish you this year 2022, much joy and peace from our Savior Jesus Christ!

The Gortopan family is in love with you.