Ministry for refugees

Hearty greetings from the Gortopan family!

Greetings in the love of Jesus Christ to all of Steph's family and to all of the brothers and sisters of PIEI America.

Thank you for praying and supporting us in this difficult test that our country Ukraine is going through.

Although in our area you don’t hear the terrible sounds of bombs that bombard the big cities of Ukraine, and thank God that at least it’s quiet here and we can help refugees who come to us more and more every day. In our area where they live safely and have shelter from terrible bombs and bullets.

On Sunday 02.27 we had two families from Luhansk who testified about the ministry they have in their churches. One brother is the pastor of the church, and the other brother is responsible for the rehabilitation center from Luhansk. Two days later they left their families in the care of our church and these brothers went back to serve there for the Lord.

Refugees also came and our church members took them into their homes. A good example is one family from our church, Mihai Bukatovich and Dora, who are now visiting children in the USA (Chicago), and they provided their home for refugees. They have a big house and fit 18 people from refugees. Our church provides them with food and other supplies.

All members of the church buy food and bring it to the church, and from there we distribute it where necessary. We have volunteer brothers who serve specifically in this area.

I always thank God for the wonderful work that is being done through our brothers and sisters of our church.

Thank you also, brothers and sisters, for your financial support. Keep praying for us. And we love you and pray for you.

With love to you brother Gortopan Mihai.