Social assistance

Dear brothers and sisters, PIEI organizations, I greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ!

I praise God for the graceful time in which we live through the grace of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

1.We had a blessed time with the church when we gathered for worship, for fellowship, for prayer and for parsing the Word of God. These are those moments that will bring us joy in our souls, and we praise the Lord for this blessed time.

2. Through the social assistance provided to families in need, from our village, I had a good opportunity to speak the Word of God to many unbelieving people. We pray for these people.

3.At the beginning of the month, they had a breaking of bread together with the church, where they remembered the death and sufferings of our Lord. We had holy communion in the Body and Blood of the Lord Christ. They also visited the sick of our church with the breaking of bread, where they, together with the church, had this Holy Participle.


- I am deeply grateful to the Lord for the fact that, despite the high percentage of Covid 19 disease, in our Ukraine, the Lord helps us to gather in the house of prayer, together with the church, to worship God, commune and pray.

- We always thank God and for you, brothers and sisters, who are a great support for us in our ministry here in Ukraine.

-Thank God for the fact that the Word of God is freely preached in our places.

5.Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us for the spiritual growth of our church members.

-For the younger generations of our church, so that they have love and desire to study the Scriptures - the Word of God.

-For me and other ministers of our church, so that we have love and courage to preach the Word of God.

-For those unbelieving people whom we help financially and for one thing tell them about the love of Christ so that the Lord will touch their hearts and so that they repent.

I always thank God and pray for you, dear brothers and sisters from the USA, because you are a great support for us in our ministry. I wish that the Lord will meet all your needs and that you are always under the protection and protection of God.

With love, the Hortopan family.

Fruits of the camp

Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I praise the Lord for wonderfully caring for His ministry.

1. For me and for our church, it is a great joy for our teenagers from the church, who after the Christian camp in Boyany, which was held this summer, they became more active in serving the Lord. They are always ready to participate in worship services and worship God through chants. , poems and Psalms. This is a good result for which we praise the Lord.

2. A man who has been attending our church for several months has repented. The Lord has blessed him with a good voice with which he sang at worldly entertainments and we hope that in the future he will glorify and praise the Lord through his voice.

3. Recently, on Sundays, in the afternoon, we have communication for young people, for young families, then we had communication for the elderly. Through such communication we get closer to each other, get to know each other better. We spend time in a wonderful way and we praise God.

4. We had a special donation, together with our church. We bought vegetables and took this help to a nursing home.


-We thank God for the free religion of the Word, for the fact that It is proclaimed in different ways.

-Thank the Lord for the prayers heard.

6. Prayer needs:

- Pray for those who watch and listen to our services online.

- For a man who has repented, may the Lord strengthen him and keep him under His protective wings.

-For me, may the Lord give me the right word in spreading the gospel.

Thank you very much, brothers and sisters from the United States, for your support and for the help we have on your part to serve here in Ukraine.

With love, your brother in Christ, Mihai Gortopan

Thanksgiving day


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the peace and grace of Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God for joint ministry with you and for the fact that we support each other in prayers before the Lord.

1.At the beginning of the month there was a funeral. One elderly sister passed away. She had children and unbeliever grandchildren who heard, on this occasion, the Gospel.

2. We had the blessing of a newborn. One young family brought a son so that God would bless him and his parents. We, together with the church, prayed and entrusted the baby in the hands of God.

3.26 September, on Sunday, our church celebrated the Feast of the Harvest, Thanksgiving Day for all the fruits of the earth with which God blessed us throughout the year. We praised and thanked the Lord heartily through chants and prayers, for His care in relation to us, for love and kindness Whose gentlemen we feel them day after day.


-We are grateful to God that we can gather for fellowship and prayer.

-Thank God for giving us good opportunities to preach the Gospel.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray, together with us, for those unbelievers who have heard the Word of the Gospel.

-For young people, teenagers and children, so that the Lord will keep them from sin, from the influence of Satan, who wants to win their souls for himself.

-It is about me that the Lord would give me much wisdom in ministry.

-You, brothers and sisters from the USA, we sincerely thank you for praying for us and supporting us financially.

We also pray for you and trust in the hands of God to take care of you and your needs.

With love to you, the Hortopan family.

Blessed month at our church


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord for miraculously taking care of us in our ministry in the Lord's Field.

1. I praise God for the ministry that was performed in the Christian camp in Boyany. There were young men and teenagers from families of believers, but there were also young ones from non-believing families. I am very glad that the youth and children have repented.

2.We had dear and blessed meetings with the church when we met for fellowship and prayer. Thank God, one soul repented. At the end of the month, we had the blessing of one child and we prayed, together with the church, for this little one named Mark. We entrusted him in the hands of Almighty God, so that He would bless and protect him from all evil.


-Thank God for the ministry that was done with teenagers and children in the camp.

-Thank God for you too, because you are a great help for us in our ministry in Ukraine.

-Thank the Lord that the Word of God is preached and we can gather for fellowship and prayer.

4.Prayer Needs:

-We will pray for many members of our church who are sick and we pray for them.

-For those who repented, so that the Lord would strengthen them in faith and protect them from all evil.

-For me and other ministers of our church, so that the Lord strengthens us in ministry for Him.

We thank all of you brothers and sisters from the United States, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, for your help and support that we have from you and especially thank you for sponsoring the Christian youth camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission in Boyany. We pray for you that God bless you and so that he would further strengthen you in ministry in His Field. We love you and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ, Mihai Hortopan.

Christian day camp


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI Ukraine organization, We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I always thank God for you and always pray for you that the Lord will strengthen you more and more in your work in His Field.

1.At the beginning of the month, a Christian day camp for children and teenagers was organized in our church. It was a great ministry where all the youth of our church participated. Every day 70 children came before lunch and 60 teenagers in the afternoon. There were big expenses, about 36 thousand hryvnias ($ 1333), but I am glad that our church members had open hearts for this ministry.

2. We also had an evangelistic ministry with a choir from Odessa, where unbelievers who were invited attended our church.


-Thank God for having good opportunities to proclaim the Gospel.

-Thank the Lord for the freedom of the Word of God in Ukraine.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us for the children from unbelieving families who were in our camp.

-For those unbelievers who heard the Word of the Gospel.

-For me, so that the Lord strengthens me in the ministry in His Field.

We thank God and always pray for you because you are for

us a great help in our ministry. We wish you that the Lord blesses you with health, courage and many more blessings from God.

With love to you, your brother in Christ Mihai Hortopan.