Christian day camp


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI Ukraine organization, We greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ!

I always thank God for you and always pray for you that the Lord will strengthen you more and more in your work in His Field.

1.At the beginning of the month, a Christian day camp for children and teenagers was organized in our church. It was a great ministry where all the youth of our church participated. Every day 70 children came before lunch and 60 teenagers in the afternoon. There were big expenses, about 36 thousand hryvnias ($ 1333), but I am glad that our church members had open hearts for this ministry.

2. We also had an evangelistic ministry with a choir from Odessa, where unbelievers who were invited attended our church.


-Thank God for having good opportunities to proclaim the Gospel.

-Thank the Lord for the freedom of the Word of God in Ukraine.

4.Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us for the children from unbelieving families who were in our camp.

-For those unbelievers who heard the Word of the Gospel.

-For me, so that the Lord strengthens me in the ministry in His Field.

We thank God and always pray for you because you are for

us a great help in our ministry. We wish you that the Lord blesses you with health, courage and many more blessings from God.

With love to you, your brother in Christ Mihai Hortopan.