Blessed month at our church


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I praise the Lord for miraculously taking care of us in our ministry in the Lord's Field.

1. I praise God for the ministry that was performed in the Christian camp in Boyany. There were young men and teenagers from families of believers, but there were also young ones from non-believing families. I am very glad that the youth and children have repented.

2.We had dear and blessed meetings with the church when we met for fellowship and prayer. Thank God, one soul repented. At the end of the month, we had the blessing of one child and we prayed, together with the church, for this little one named Mark. We entrusted him in the hands of Almighty God, so that He would bless and protect him from all evil.


-Thank God for the ministry that was done with teenagers and children in the camp.

-Thank God for you too, because you are a great help for us in our ministry in Ukraine.

-Thank the Lord that the Word of God is preached and we can gather for fellowship and prayer.

4.Prayer Needs:

-We will pray for many members of our church who are sick and we pray for them.

-For those who repented, so that the Lord would strengthen them in faith and protect them from all evil.

-For me and other ministers of our church, so that the Lord strengthens us in ministry for Him.

We thank all of you brothers and sisters from the United States, our partners in evangelism in Ukraine, for your help and support that we have from you and especially thank you for sponsoring the Christian youth camp of the PIEI Ukraine mission in Boyany. We pray for you that God bless you and so that he would further strengthen you in ministry in His Field. We love you and pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ, Mihai Hortopan.