Escape from Irpin and torments

Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise God for the fact that He is a God of love and loves us with His eternal love.

1. Services of worship and glorification of God are regularly held in our church, together with believing refugees who have taken refuge from the war in our village. Our church choir, youth and children glorify God through singing, and sermons are translated into Ukrainian so that everyone would understand the Word of God .

2. Two weeks ago, an elderly believing family from the town of Irpin, Kyiv region, arrived in our village of Tarasovtsi, brother George and sister Valentina. George was our fellow villager and lived with his family in the city of Irpen. He is already 89 years old. We visited them with the breaking of bread and rejoiced together around the Word of God. They testified to us about their torment in Irpen during these months of the war. How they lived without light, without heat, without gas and without water. How shells flew over their house. How all the houses around them turned into ruins, only the mercy of God saved them, glory God! The elderly and the sick cooked food in the garage on a homemade brick stove. They lit a fire and prepared something to eat. And the Lord miraculously saved them and they were able to evacuate to us in safety. We prayed together and thanked the Lord for the miraculous salvation and also entrusted this family in the hands of God.

3. On April 24, our church celebrated the Feast of Easter - the Resurrection of Christ. Two days in a row we had festive services to the glory of Christ crucified for us, and on the third day He rose from the dead - Glory to Him! He trampled down death with His death and gave us eternal life in Christ! Our youth, choir and children had an excellent program of Praise of Christ prepared and together with the church rejoiced and glorified the Lord Jesus Christ.

4. Thanksgiving:

-We thank God for giving peace and tranquility in our area and we will be able to help those who need this help.

-We thank God for your help that comes to us from brothers from Romania, from the USA and from other countries.

5. Prayer needs:

-Pray, together with us, for the refugees who are among us. There are those who have gone through great suffering, are very stressed and have health problems. We pray for them and help in any way we can and financially, but there is a need to help them spiritually. Pray and speak them from Holy Scripture.

-Pray that the war in the South East of Ukraine will end. There are terrible battles. But we believe that the Lord will defeat all this evil.

-Pray for us too so that the Lord will help us to be with open hearts for all who need our help, so that we always lend a helping hand to people and that we work as for the Lord, so that the Name of the Lord would be glorified among these people.

For us, brothers and sisters from the USA and from the PIEI organization, you are a blessing, help and support - Thank God for you! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you blessings from our Lord. May it never be far from you and always the blessings of God have been with you and over you. We love you and pray for you.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.