Gospel it the kindergarten


Dear brothers and sisters of the PIEI organization, we greet you with the grace and love of Jesus Christ!

I praise the Lord for miraculously taking care of us and blessing His work. Recently we had a funeral where the oldest sister of our church members died. This sister was a believer for over 70 years and was a good example for all of us, for neighbors and friends. We always have many unbelievers at funerals who listened to the Word of the Gospel. We pray for them that the Lord would test their hearts and give them repentance.

We have one sister in our church who works as a kindergarten teacher in our village. Already in several groups of the kindergarten, she did Bible lessons, where she showed children the most important truths about God that every child should know from an early age. At the end of the lesson, everyone , of these children, we received a gift. We will pray for this cause, for Sister Marina, so that the authorities do not prevent her from continuing these useful, Christian, Bible studies among these children. Through each business, we, as a church, wish more people from our village learned the way of Christ, the true way of life that can lead them to the Kingdom of God.

Prayer Needs:

1. Let's pray for our village that people seek the Lord.

2. For our church, so that every member of the church was active in the work that the Lord entrusted to them.

3. For me and our other preachers, so that we preach the gospel pure and in the power of the Holy Spirit.

But I am very grateful to you for being a great help and support for us in our ministry here. I wish the Lord to help you and take care of all your needs, to take care of you and always to protect you. We pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ, Gortopan Mihai.

A day of thanksgiving


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I praise the Lord for having a blessed time this month and a good occasion to proclaim the gospel to the people.

We celebrated, together with the church, a day of thanksgiving for the fruits of the earth with which the Lord blessed us this year. The Word of God was preached, hymns were sung to the Glory of the Lord, and youth and children from Sunday school had a rich program for glorifying God. Together we thanked God for His care that the Lord has for us, for the fruits that we received by His mercy. I pray that through such merciful deeds the Name of the Lord will be glorified and unbelievers seek the Lord.

We also had a funeral. One sister, a member of our church, died. She was the mother of 4 children of unbelievers. It remains for us to pray for those who survived and listened to the Word of God. So that the Lord would touch their hearts.


We had in our church the breaking of bread, a holiday dear for the children of God. We visited the sick and aged brothers and sisters. They were delighted that they had such an opportunity to remember the sufferings of Jesus Christ.

Prayer Needs:

-Let us pray for the youth and children with our church that the Lord will strengthen them even more in the work of God and that he will keep them from the evil one.

-For those unbelievers who heard the Word of God, so that the Lord would touch their hearts.

-For the ministers of the church so that they are a good example for others.

I am very grateful to you for continuing to be partners with us in the work of God. You are a good support and support for us. We wish you many blessings from the Lord in the future, and that the grace of God will always be with you.

With great love the Gortopan family.

Service to the Lord during pandemic


Dear brothers and sisters from the PIEI organization, I greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ. I always thank and praise the Lord for the fact that He strengthens and helps me so that I can work in His Field. And I also thank the Lord and pray for you that He will strengthen you in His grace, because working together with you we see a good result and feel the blessing of God in His ministry.

We live in a time when the COVID 19 pandemic is widespread in our country, which frightens, upsets and worries all people for their future. In our village, there are already many cases of deaths from this disease and people are wondering how and what will happen next, and what does the Bible say for our time? And when I have such an opportunity, I always tell these people about Christ and present them with the Holy Gospel, what the Word of God says about such situations and what God wants to tell us, all people. I pray that the Lord will give us His Grace and Wisdom in such moments of life.

We have services in the church every Sunday and are broadcasted online. We are glad that these services are watched and listened to by non-believers from our village. We pray for them.

Once a week, in our church, a Sunday school is held where we have new young teachers who lovingly teach the Word of God to children.

Every Saturday teenagers study the Word of God which is very useful and edifying for them.

I visited the sick and through the Word of God brought them encouragement and comfort.

Prayer Needs:

-Pray with us that the Lord will open the hearts of the people to whom I present the Gospel.

-That every member of our church is a good missionary during these difficult times for us.

-For our children, adolescents and youth, so that the Lord would give them love in Bible study and that they would be faithful to the Lord and a good example for the people around us.

-For me, so that the Lord would strengthen me even when I testify to people about Christ, so that the Spirit of God would give me the words I need.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for being with us in our ministry in Ukraine. We also do not forget you and pray for you. We wish you live in unity with Christ and always so that you will work diligently in the Field of God.

With love to you, the Gortopan family.

Baby in a large family


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ! I always thank God for you, for the participation you take in the evangelization of people here in Ukraine and I pray that God will strengthen you with His grace so that you can serve in the future for His glory and glorification.

1. During the past weeks, we had Sunday services. We gather for worship in the house of prayer, pray, glorify the Lord, who wonderfully takes care of His ministry and cares for every child of Him. At one service in the congregation, we had another blessing of a child from a large family who had a seventh child, whose son was named Elisha. We prayed, together with this family, for the child and handed it in the hands of Almighty God. Our children from Sunday school also had a congratulatory program for this family. We also broadcast our ministries online and many unbelievers watch and listen to our ministries. We pray that the Lord will test the hearts of unbelievers so that they will repent.

2. Prayer Needs:

-Pray for those people who are looking at our church services online.

-For church members who are sick so that the Lord will heal them.

- for each member of our church, so that they are good mentors, on the path to Christ, for people who do not believe in the village.

-For me, so that I could be an example for others, with my Christian behavior and in conversation with people.

3. Thanksgiving:

- Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the fact that you pray for us, support us in our ministry here with finances, for the medicines and sweets that you received from you.

- And thank you very much for your financial assistance that I received from you after the flood that we had in June.

I wish you that the Lord will take care of all your needs, that He will take care of you every day and in the future remain under the protection of the Lord God! With love, your brother in Christ Mihai Gortopan.

Prayer for a child


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the Grace and Love of our Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God, in my prayers, for you for being support, help and encouragement in serving God.

We have great joy that we get together again for fellowship, we can see each other, and we can worship together in the house of prayer. Young people always prepare songs, psalms and poems for the glory of the Lord. This is a blessing for us and brings us encouragement.

Two men, unbelievers who came before, before the pandemic, to our meetings, now, from the moment when we began to gather together, I saw them also at our meeting. I am glad that they have this love, come with us to worship, and I pray for them that the Lord will open their hearts to Him.

Have one blessing of our grandson, Stas, and the first-born of our son Sergei and our daughter-in-law Rosalina. They brought their first-born Stas before God so that the Lord would bless Him. Together with the church they prayed for him and handed Him over in the mighty hands of the Lord.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray, with us, for those unbelievers who walk in our meetings, that the Lord will touch their hearts and that they will repent.

2. To make our youth even more zealous to work in the Lord's Field.

3. For me, so that I work in the Lord's Field with wisdom and love.

-Thank you brothers and sisters from the United States for praying for us and supporting us in our ministry here. You are very dear to us, we love you and we also pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ Mihai Hortopan together with my family.