Prayer for a child


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the Grace and Love of our Father God and the Lord Jesus Christ!

I am grateful to God, in my prayers, for you for being support, help and encouragement in serving God.

We have great joy that we get together again for fellowship, we can see each other, and we can worship together in the house of prayer. Young people always prepare songs, psalms and poems for the glory of the Lord. This is a blessing for us and brings us encouragement.

Two men, unbelievers who came before, before the pandemic, to our meetings, now, from the moment when we began to gather together, I saw them also at our meeting. I am glad that they have this love, come with us to worship, and I pray for them that the Lord will open their hearts to Him.

Have one blessing of our grandson, Stas, and the first-born of our son Sergei and our daughter-in-law Rosalina. They brought their first-born Stas before God so that the Lord would bless Him. Together with the church they prayed for him and handed Him over in the mighty hands of the Lord.

Prayer Needs:

1. Pray, with us, for those unbelievers who walk in our meetings, that the Lord will touch their hearts and that they will repent.

2. To make our youth even more zealous to work in the Lord's Field.

3. For me, so that I work in the Lord's Field with wisdom and love.

-Thank you brothers and sisters from the United States for praying for us and supporting us in our ministry here. You are very dear to us, we love you and we also pray for you.

With love, your brother in Christ Mihai Hortopan together with my family.