Baby in a large family


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the peace and love of our Lord Jesus Christ! I always thank God for you, for the participation you take in the evangelization of people here in Ukraine and I pray that God will strengthen you with His grace so that you can serve in the future for His glory and glorification.

1. During the past weeks, we had Sunday services. We gather for worship in the house of prayer, pray, glorify the Lord, who wonderfully takes care of His ministry and cares for every child of Him. At one service in the congregation, we had another blessing of a child from a large family who had a seventh child, whose son was named Elisha. We prayed, together with this family, for the child and handed it in the hands of Almighty God. Our children from Sunday school also had a congratulatory program for this family. We also broadcast our ministries online and many unbelievers watch and listen to our ministries. We pray that the Lord will test the hearts of unbelievers so that they will repent.

2. Prayer Needs:

-Pray for those people who are looking at our church services online.

-For church members who are sick so that the Lord will heal them.

- for each member of our church, so that they are good mentors, on the path to Christ, for people who do not believe in the village.

-For me, so that I could be an example for others, with my Christian behavior and in conversation with people.

3. Thanksgiving:

- Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for the fact that you pray for us, support us in our ministry here with finances, for the medicines and sweets that you received from you.

- And thank you very much for your financial assistance that I received from you after the flood that we had in June.

I wish you that the Lord will take care of all your needs, that He will take care of you every day and in the future remain under the protection of the Lord God! With love, your brother in Christ Mihai Gortopan.