He repented before death


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I thank God always for you, for your participation in the gospel, and I always pray for you that the Lord will strengthen you, through His Grace, that you may continue to work for the glory and dignity of our God.

1. Although the quarantine is still in force, but, together with the church, we began to gather, complying with all the requirements that were given to us because of the quarantine.

2. I rejoice that the Lord works to save many souls in different ways, even through suffering. There was a time when a 56-year-old man had cancer and in his last days before his death he called us to his home to repent before God. His believing wife is a member of our church, and she prayed for him for a long time that he would repent. This month we had 3 funerals where the word of God was preached in abundance. Many people around the world have listened to the Gospel Words and I pray for them that the Lord will save them through His mercy and grace.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray for those who have heard the Word of the Gospel.

-For each member of the church to be good missionaries for their relatives and friends.

-Pray for me so that I can proclaim the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are very grateful to you for being a great help to us in our ministry here in Ukraine. For always sympathizing with us and supporting us as we go through trials and tribulations, thank you for your help.

We love you too and always pray for you. The Gortopan family loves you very much.