He repented before death


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with the love and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ! I thank God always for you, for your participation in the gospel, and I always pray for you that the Lord will strengthen you, through His Grace, that you may continue to work for the glory and dignity of our God.

1. Although the quarantine is still in force, but, together with the church, we began to gather, complying with all the requirements that were given to us because of the quarantine.

2. I rejoice that the Lord works to save many souls in different ways, even through suffering. There was a time when a 56-year-old man had cancer and in his last days before his death he called us to his home to repent before God. His believing wife is a member of our church, and she prayed for him for a long time that he would repent. This month we had 3 funerals where the word of God was preached in abundance. Many people around the world have listened to the Gospel Words and I pray for them that the Lord will save them through His mercy and grace.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray for those who have heard the Word of the Gospel.

-For each member of the church to be good missionaries for their relatives and friends.

-Pray for me so that I can proclaim the Word of God in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We are very grateful to you for being a great help to us in our ministry here in Ukraine. For always sympathizing with us and supporting us as we go through trials and tribulations, thank you for your help.

We love you too and always pray for you. The Gortopan family loves you very much.

Our backyard is flooded


Dear brothers and sisters, we greet you with Grace and Peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ!

1. I thank God and praise Him for the fact that even in difficult times, He abides with His children and takes care of us every day.

2. We communicate with members of our church via telephone, and we have services through online broadcasts. Believers who are members of the church and even unbelieving families listen and watch us.

3. We had a funeral where there were a few believers present, our brothers and sisters, but the Word of God was preached strongly and those who were there, from unbelievers, listened attentively to the Word. We pray for them that the Holy Spirit will test their hearts and bring them to repentance.


4. In the House of Prayer, we held a service for the blessing of a child of one young family where we, a minister, prayed for this young family and their child and handed them in the hands of our Lord. Through all that we do, I want the Name of the Lord to be glorified, so that many people We knew Him, and we should be edified spiritually and more stick to God.

5.This month, June is a difficult month for us due to intense thunderstorms. From these rains, the Prut River rises and more and more water dwells in our fields and floods them. Our vegetables disappear, we have many losses, but we believe that our Lord will not leave us and will continue to take care of us.

6.Prayer Needs:

-Pray for those unbelievers who have heard the gospel.

-For the church of Christ- so that members of the church are good mentors, showing everyone the way through Jesus Christ.

-For me and my family, that the Lord will give us health, protect us from all evil and give us boldness in working on His Field.

-Pray for us. This morning, 25. 06, at 6:00, the water was again and is already growing from the garden into our yard, so that the Lord has mercy on us.

7. We are grateful to you that you, together with us, are employees on the Field of God. We love you and always pray for you. We entrust you in the hands of Almighty God!

With respect and love to you, the Gortopan family.

Perfect Church is shown to us


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to God and praise Him that even during this quarantine time, when we can’t get the whole church together in the house of prayer, the Word of God spreads and many listen to Him. We pray and wish the Holy Spirit to prompt and attract to Christ all those who seek Him.

1. Broadcast online:

In the church of the village of Tarasovtsy, ministries continue to be held online. Recently, we began to study 1 Epistle of the Thesolanikians from where we draw a lot of instructive lessons. The Thessaloniki Church, which was an example for the churches of that time, is a good example for us today, about the growing faith, about favorable behavior God, about increasing love and other instructive things that tell us a lot.


I, from the bottom of my heart, thank all the Partners from the PIEI mission for the assistance you provide to the ministry from Ukraine. You are a great blessing and great help to our ministry.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Church of the Lord be the true light for this world in these times of trial.

-For those unbelievers who hear the gospel on the Internet.

-For me, so that I can boldly preach the gospels.

We love you and always pray for you. Accept my heartfelt greetings from my family to all our mission PIEI partners.

With great respect and love, Pastor Missionary Gortopan Mihai.

The end of the world is near


Greetings, peace and grace from God the Father and from God Jesus Christ of ours.

I always thank God for you, and pray for you, that He will strengthen you in faith and through the grace of the Lord, so that you draw closer to Him every day more and more.  

In the local church, every Sunday, we have a meeting in which 10 people participate. This service is conducted online, and all members of the church attend the service in the same spirit.  I am very pleased that unbelievers also watch online meetings, and I pray for them, that the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, open their hearts to the word of God, give a proper understanding of it, and that the word be the path to Christ for them.  


We live in a time when unbelievers are interested in the topic that the Bible says about the last time when they ask such questions, I begin to explain to them what the Lord expects from everyone who lives on earth.  

We have prayer needs for which we need to pray to everyone:

1. For people who at this time are worried about many questions, that the Lord through the Holy Spirit will lead them to Himself.

2. For the church, so that every member of the church participates in the life of the church so that they serve.

3. For me, to have wisdom from the Lord, in preaching the word of God and in fellowship with people.

Many thanks to you, you are a great help to us in the service of our Lord. We do not stop praying for you.

With love to you, brother Mikhail Gortopan and my whole family.

Online Services


Brothers and sisters, I salute you with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, peace be upon you. I am thankful to God, and I pray for you all the time. Because you are participating with us in the ministry in Ukraine. This month we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we want to greet you with the beautiful greeting of Christ Risen.   

1. Online Services

We are in quarantine, therefore, there were only 5 brothers in the Easter service, and we conduct this service through an online broadcast, we rejoiced for our church members and those who listen to us, because many listened to this service. At our meetings, several groups participate, who sing psalms, and preachers prepare the word for the preaching of the gospel. We live during advanced technologies, a time when people can chat online, during quarantine, and also have more free time to watch the online broadcast of our services. This is a blessing for us all, because through this, unbelievers can come to the Lord at home, and we pray for them, for their repentance through online meetings. We do not have a shortage of the word of God, but rather we honor the lack of lively communication with each other. This is a test for us, in order to bring us all closer to the Lord.


-I thank you from the bottom of my heart for our gospel partners from the United States for supporting us and serving the Lord with us.

-Thank you for the seeds you sent us. Through, each gift sent to us by you, you show your love for us and for this reason we thank God for you and for your love for us.

-We also love you from the bottom of our hearts and pray for you that God bless you every day and every moment of your life.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray that through these trials, the church will be cleansed of sin and lawlessness, and draw near to the Lord.

-To God save us from this virus, which shook the whole world.

-For me, and all the ministers, so that we make the right decisions at this time of trial.

With love to you, Pastor Missionary Gortopan Mihai.