Perfect Church is shown to us


Dear brothers and sisters, I greet you with the love and peace of Jesus Christ. I am grateful to God and praise Him that even during this quarantine time, when we can’t get the whole church together in the house of prayer, the Word of God spreads and many listen to Him. We pray and wish the Holy Spirit to prompt and attract to Christ all those who seek Him.

1. Broadcast online:

In the church of the village of Tarasovtsy, ministries continue to be held online. Recently, we began to study 1 Epistle of the Thesolanikians from where we draw a lot of instructive lessons. The Thessaloniki Church, which was an example for the churches of that time, is a good example for us today, about the growing faith, about favorable behavior God, about increasing love and other instructive things that tell us a lot.


I, from the bottom of my heart, thank all the Partners from the PIEI mission for the assistance you provide to the ministry from Ukraine. You are a great blessing and great help to our ministry.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray with us that the Church of the Lord be the true light for this world in these times of trial.

-For those unbelievers who hear the gospel on the Internet.

-For me, so that I can boldly preach the gospels.

We love you and always pray for you. Accept my heartfelt greetings from my family to all our mission PIEI partners.

With great respect and love, Pastor Missionary Gortopan Mihai.