Online Services


Brothers and sisters, I salute you with the love of the Lord Jesus Christ, peace be upon you. I am thankful to God, and I pray for you all the time. Because you are participating with us in the ministry in Ukraine. This month we celebrated the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, and we want to greet you with the beautiful greeting of Christ Risen.   

1. Online Services

We are in quarantine, therefore, there were only 5 brothers in the Easter service, and we conduct this service through an online broadcast, we rejoiced for our church members and those who listen to us, because many listened to this service. At our meetings, several groups participate, who sing psalms, and preachers prepare the word for the preaching of the gospel. We live during advanced technologies, a time when people can chat online, during quarantine, and also have more free time to watch the online broadcast of our services. This is a blessing for us all, because through this, unbelievers can come to the Lord at home, and we pray for them, for their repentance through online meetings. We do not have a shortage of the word of God, but rather we honor the lack of lively communication with each other. This is a test for us, in order to bring us all closer to the Lord.


-I thank you from the bottom of my heart for our gospel partners from the United States for supporting us and serving the Lord with us.

-Thank you for the seeds you sent us. Through, each gift sent to us by you, you show your love for us and for this reason we thank God for you and for your love for us.

-We also love you from the bottom of our hearts and pray for you that God bless you every day and every moment of your life.

3. Prayer needs:

-Pray that through these trials, the church will be cleansed of sin and lawlessness, and draw near to the Lord.

-To God save us from this virus, which shook the whole world.

-For me, and all the ministers, so that we make the right decisions at this time of trial.

With love to you, Pastor Missionary Gortopan Mihai.